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Showing posts from June, 2016


This LENOVO X60  W10 upgrade   W10 W10 is working surprisingly well on this older laptop. it seems less slow and all installed programs working  fine after the upgrade.  2 problems solved  meanwhile The Lenovo X60 did wake-up with WLAN adapter working  after unchecking power save on that device And the 2nd WLAN router Eminent outside works after plugging the cable in the W-LAN port. it was always?  in 1 of the LAN ports  i thought But it has an issue with waking up the WLAN adapter after wakeup it connects to WLAN but "no internet" network diagnosis say  can not determen the problem the Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection adapter reports this device is working well. I know  I have to reboot the system to get the WLAN working again annoying  one way to trick this out is to select device  properties  and then change one of the many properties just one  of them  remember the chan...

ADF4351 locked by GPSDO

When monitoring the ADF 1296.1 MHz on the 23cm DB6NT  it showes an ugly broad humming signal   switching the ADF to the  internal ref the signal is a  clear tone. This ADF REF input   needs a  10MHz  TTL 3V3 blok fomat  to drive ? Deja vue with the 23cm XTVR  of 30 years ago: The 96MHz X-tal  does not want to work at its designed frequency and is drifting in kHz range at 1152MHz. Since that project I avoid using single xtals since never ever they will work at the correct  frequency. Only use integrated Xtal ocillator modules since then And the NE325 Gaasfet preamp likes oscillating  way more  then amplifying  nothing is changed... I remember long time ago in the 80-ties when we still had exceptional tropo propagation to east EU A pile of  UA UR UC SP at 70cm CW  on 23cm there was UA3LBO but the 23cm Gaasfet preamp just could not handle the strong radar sweeps, every 10 seconds a radar...

IARU 50Mhz

yoshinari ikeda   JH4IUO  cfmd  QSO with email  So 10ele yagi Ɨ 2 35mh  top of a mountain 730m sea level Rig TS-990S+AMP 500W PM64fj Good ES during this contest I could only be active Sunday  the propagation God was very generous  lots of ES signals No EA no G   main antenna direction had to be n-east to s-east 137 QSO best DX JH4IUO PM64jf 8960km My brain rejected to decode JH4IUO   at first I was not expecting JA reply first JA at 6m here this season. I have not been very active at 50MHz  last DX was begin of May. just a few single hop ES and some Aurora contacts  after the 4/5 May FR4 3B9FR opening My antenna is very modest in compare. I have the HF multiband in its summer dress Added 6m elements to form a 5el 6m beam and 40-10m dipole feeded with 1 coax cable to the HF dipole.  And this 5 ele performs real good for its modest size. F/B  fine and good matching.. And the 4m / 70MHz 5 ele o...

50MHz I do not believe the path on the map

The open path EA7 to JA  should pass over my QTH   i just do not believe this simplified assumption  no matter what self called propagation experts are going to explane. 50MHz is totally dead in my QTH   This map shows only that 6M is not really our band All lines should be below the JO/JN border just occasional some short ES  skip to north can happen. this month only dx was 4X1RF  in wspr mode  Timestamp Call MHz     SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km  az  2016-06-10 00:24  ZS1OA  5.288687  -27  0  JF95fx  5  PA0O  JO33hg  9774  353  2016-06-08 09:50  PA0O  28.126166  -19  0  JO33hg  5  FR1GZ  LG79rc  9485  135  2016-06-09 06:56  FR1GZ  28.126033  -27 ...

PE1CMO 40W 1.3GHz PA preparation to build this kit

PE1CMO   23cm - 40W PA                                             197x70mm  0.8 Teflon  M57762  openingen uitgesneden Met koper folie aardvlakken doorverbonden. M57762 Misubishi module   Ī· =28% 40W # 11A @ 12.5V  2x18W  rf out  13.6V  2x21W rf out  dissipatie100W  drive 1.5W De teflon print van PE1CMO is heel professioneel gemaakt  met  een soldeerbare beschermlak helaas heb ik die laag hier en daar wat geraakt met de bout  niet ernstig maar het smelt direct. Dan lijkt het gelijk wat minder mooi Inkorten van de printkaart beter niet doen.    De printplaat is 0.8 mm dik naar het aardvlak het koperspoor moet iets van de rand af blijven. Het snijd erg gemakkelijk 0.8mm Teflon PCB. De aansluiting van de voeding  12.5V    op  pin 4   ...

23cm transverter vervolg

ADF4351 PLL signal 1296.100MHz    RX seems okay and sensitive Maar Tx problem  MSA0885 oscilleert  1.5W out wacht op een INA10386 MMIC  DB6NT classic 23cm 1994 design  NE325 Rx    Tx M67715 1.5W   ADF PLL op intern 10MHz gelocked handig zo'n signaal generator. testsignal  1296.1MHz  picked up at the DB6NT RX ADF4351  PLL 35- 4400 MHz  internal / external 10MHz reference jumper Internal locked is not very stable it drifts and hand effect.  External reference needs a clean strong signal.  My GPSDO Trimble Thunderbold GPSDO 10MHz output is not direct suitable. An active 10MHz bandfilter interface is needed.  De DB6NT 1.3GHz transverter classic 1994  is lang niet eenvoudig te bouwen kost veel tijd  zo ging dat vroeger dus. Een veel moderner ontwerp voor 23cm is van SG Lab LZ5HP V2.3 ano2016 design  is  complee...


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