yoshinari ikeda JH4IUO cfmd QSO with email
So 10ele yagi×2 35mh top of a mountain 730m sea level
Rig TS-990S+AMP 500W
Good ES during this contest
I could only be active Sunday the propagation God was very generous lots of ES signals
No EA no G main antenna direction had to be n-east to s-east
137 QSO
best DX JH4IUO PM64jf 8960km
My brain rejected to decode JH4IUO at first
I was not expecting JA reply
first JA at 6m here this season.
I have not been very active at 50MHz last DX was begin of May.
just a few single hop ES and some Aurora contacts after the 4/5 May FR4 3B9FR opening
My antenna is very modest in compare. I have the HF multiband in its summer dress
Added 6m elements to form a 5el 6m beam and 40-10m dipole feeded with 1 coax cable to the HF dipole. And this 5 ele performs real good for its modest size.
F/B fine and good matching..
And the 4m / 70MHz 5 ele on top
IARU site wants EDI log type more suited for VHF it outputs files per band f.i.
Always using Cabrillo for HF contests
N1MM outputs EDI format aswel
N1MM logtype VHF serial logging
CToSc=216830 total km
7:13 --- 12:18 had to stop early, band was still open
could not use N1MM+
it started hanging in endless error popups