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Showing posts from March, 2021

Rusian DX contest Saturday 12 Sunday 12Z high activity. Excellent UA9QCQ website.

Some very high QSO numbers over 2300  iono scatter signals at 28MHz   LZ5R LZ1TX , UA4K  the last could not hear me.   

The Braun SE400 all mode 144MHz classic rig .

After many years resting on a shelf brought back to life. In 1975 this was a very expensive  German hand made 2m all mode rig in GrĆ¼ndig style.  My IC706  is temporary out of operation to investigate a "bad" modulation problem. So why not using the good old SE400. Inspired by an article of PA0FRI. Once considered as the best 2m rig on the marked, made with the best ,expensive.. electronic parts , an oldtimer but high receiving sensitive without birdies and digital noise, a pleasure to listen on a radio where the little noise you hear is actually "from the antenna" The VFO is 4-6 MHz an unique system build around a color television delay line  a with phase wheel tuning 1kHz resolution of the 4-6 MHz freq counter display . Missing CAT connection  This type of VFO should not have a very low side-band noise so this rig wil not rank high in the Sherwood RX listing. I did not notice problems yet. Testing local gave a relative small signal at high level. We have to wa...

Last 2 week WSPR updated

 Also VK8MA one of the most active WSPR 28MHz was decoded. The SFI 88 had risen the bottom line a few days. But then last days a magnetic field disturbance ended the 28MHz DX  Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az Mode # Spots  2021-03-11 06:20   PA0O   3.570175   -27   0   JO33hg   5   ZL2005SWL   RE68mx   18315   42   2   1   2021-03-09 17:12   VK7AM   3.570174   -24   1   QE36nr   20   PA0O   JO33hg   16935   305   2   18   2021-03-09 17:34   PA0O   3.570176   -27   0   JO33hg   5   VK7DIK   QE38cu   16733   82   2   3   2021-03-09 17:36   VK7DIK  ...

propagation is not as bad as one thinks .. first VK this year 28MHz VK3KCX/1

Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az Mode # Spots  2021-03-12 16:36   VK2EFM   3.570129   -11   0   QF56oq   5   PA0O   JO33hg   16450   319   2   1   2021-03-12 09:28   VK3KCX/1   28.126064   -16   0   QF22qd   50   PA0O   JO33hg   16442   312   2   3   2021-03-12 10:26   FR1GZ   28.126100   -23   0   LG79rc   5   PA0O   JO33hg   9485   333   2   6   2021-03-12 05:28   AC0AE   3.570100   -20   0   EM27dk   5   PA0O   JO33hg   7484   39   2   1   202...


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