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Showing posts from January, 2019

After the CQ160 contest ...

VK7DIK and VK7AM decoded on 160  long time not seen.... propagation seems recovered ... TimestampCallMHzSNRDriftGridPwrReporterRGridkmaz 2019-01-29 17:42  PA0O  3.570151  -24  0  JO33hg  2  ZL2IK  RF74ci  17829  31  2019-01-29 17:52  PA0O  3.570151  -24  0  JO33hg  2  ZL2IK  RF74ci  17829  31  2019-01-29 17:22  PA0O  3.570151  -25  0  JO33hg  2  ZL2IK  RF74ci  17829  31  2019-01-29 18:52  VK7AM  1.838070  -22  1  QE36nr  5  PA0O  JO33hg  16935  305  2019-01-29 18:34  VK7AM  1.838072  -28  0  ...

CQ160 CW

Sorry enough propagation became worse and more worse towards this CQ160CW weekend. WSPR 160m last was very poor. Saturday night slightly better than the Friday. DX  east  JH4UYB (the only JA contact)  E2X   JT5LZ     zone 18 19 absend Africa none heard ( except 3V CN EA8  D4C)  was reported by 3B8 rbn West:   W/V  east coast  XE1X best DX , KV4FZ  P40AA PJ4P PJ2T      ARRL Section : DX         Club/Team : 19          Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.7492.0         Band     QSOs     Pts  StP  DXC  Pt/Q          1.8     647    3604   20   69   5.6        Total     647    3604   20   69   5.6        ...

WSPR report

This HTML code is not visible on my android mobile phone Copy and  paste from HTML pages give random results Perfect readable text is transferred to unreadable garbage propagation is low  last days  also on top band  will  it recover intime 160m contest? Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az # Spots  2019-01-24 23:04   YB3PET   5.288697   -20   0   OI62jr   10   PA0O   JO33hg   11727   323   8   2019-01-25 07:22   W5OXC/A   3.570133   -23   0   EM13mm   5   PA0O   JO33hg   7895   38   8   2019-01-25 04:22   WA4SZE   0.475703   -25   0   EM65   0.2   PA0O   JO33hg   7147   41  ...


Looking for a digital storage oscilloscope Saw the HANTEK DSO05102P at Banggood  with good review 100MHz  or as some review said factory unlocked 2nS  212ā‚¬ free shipping ! it arrived in about one week from China very quick. Some reviews showed a damaged package  missing parts It is always a bit of a gamble how it will arrive. My package was bounced but wrapped in plastic no lost parts. No import fee this time also a bit of a gamble. Power on, display came up it seemed okay . But the 1kHz 5V test signal  did not display for both channels Just a straight line with quantification noise and some spikes when turning the V/dev knobs Had email exchange after a few days problem solved. A loose ribbon connection due to transport ? the pre-amp had no 5V supply. Sending back is no option and there is no EU agent as far as I know Hantek treated me generous with a refund to compensate repair costs. But repairing equipment in The Netherlands/EU the official ...

more WSPR nights / 475 kHz one of the best nights

24 hour  50 spots: Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az # Spots  2019-01-15 01:48   PA0O   1.838150   -22   0   JO33hg   2   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   3   2019-01-14 18:22   JA5NVN   3.570170   -24   0   PM74ec   2   PA0O   JO33hg   9073   331   1   2019-01-15 08:08   PA0O   3.570128   -28   0   JO33hg   2   WN4VCH   EL09ro   8333   300   1   2019-01-15 03:26   ZF1EJ   0.475696   -25   0   EK99ig   2   PA0O   JO33hg   8166   39   3   2019-01-15 06:26   WB5...


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