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Showing posts from June, 2018

WSPR 2 weeks all bands overview

Noordpolderzijl JO33GK  at midnight  June 30  It is real  VU3KAZ  spots at 6m  27 June !  i had a visitor and did not attend FT8 Saw the decodes of VU2NKS  in FT8 but the opening was over. not 1W but 45W at 6m dough. This might have been the last 50MHz DX opening this season in JO33hg before it al shifts definitive to the south Only 1 ES signal heard at 144MHz just a 30 seconds RA1AS in May What a difference with 2017 2 1/2 hour 144MHz ES to the Ukraine and 1 long opening to TA h.f.  DP0GVN excellent receiving at Southpole base  even with 100mW one day 50 spots: Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2018-06-29 00:18   PA0O   5.366166   -23   0   JO33hg   1   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-06-23 22:56   PA0O   5.366167   -14   0  ...

Magic evening at PI4GN 70cm

after midnight in direction north  PI4GN  location  JO33ii  Magic  night  birds still singing PA0O/A We tested the 70cm rig at the contest location in JO33II OY6BEC  432402 was booming loud all evening 9+10 not many stations dough but G7RAU IN79 was worked CW/Phone some G  extreme loud  with 1W or 20W no special tropo to SM6VTZ 529 strong duct over north sea Next Saturday morning again heard OY6BEC  1296.895 exact on my dial this time again 23cm over 1200km  but no one seem to be QRV OY9JD  would be normally? 2M 10Watts 30 June G7RAU  IN79jx 900km   to +2 at 144174 and GM0HTT Orkney's IO89JC S5 got 519 CW would have been easy in FT8 ;-)..

70.154 received A92HK this morning

good decodes no takers? Thanks for getting  QRV at 4m  Fabian ! This time I was at the radio at the right time Alerted bij  DF5VAE calling  A92KH But unfortunate  no response to me or others? It was the first time ever heard A92 after missing A92IO few years ago. I am afraid this was the one occasion this year. hope to have 2-way one day  .. 075800 -17 -0.1 1120 ~ CQ DK2EA JO50   Germany 075815 8 0.2 735 ~ CQ DJ9YE JO43  ~Germany 075815 -14 0.3 1182 ~ CQ A92HK LL56  !Bahrain 075845 -13 0.3 1179 ~ CQ A92HK LL56  !Bahrain 075845 8 0.2 734 ~ CQ DJ9YE JO43  ~Germany 075915 -11 0.3 1178 ~ CQ A92HK LL56  !Bahrain 075945 -17 0.3 1177 ~ CQ A92HK LL56  !Bahrain 080015 -12 0.3 1176 ~ CQ A92HK LL56  !Bahrain 080045 -12 0.3 1175 ~ CQ A92HK LL56  !Bahrain 080115 -14 0.2 1425 ~ LZ2NW DJ9YE JO43 080115 0 0.2 1520 ~ LZ2NW DJ9YE JO43 0...
A bit grumbling seems to help... finally good tropo and ES /AU to TF OH LA 4m  in the night 25 to 26 June FT8 is a second live for 144MHz ! 4m TF1VHF 70.057 heard to S9 long time 1296.895 OY6BEC heard strong  several mornings and nights GM3EDN  23cm  GB3ANG 4M    2M GB3NG repeater heard in the garden at 3m gp K3 + XVTR  10W+  cool  stable real good performer this small XVTR. Only missing is the automatic switching on band change i have to do that manually hrd  144480 LA8VHF jo48xx s1 GM4FVM IO85  +13 Jim ! 144.174 1296.860  LA1UHG JO59fB  s5  FT8 GI6ATZ 144.174 +4   IO74  easy to QSO in FT8 with GI 10W i use to terror the 2m with 2x 4cx250.... those days are gone

6M / ES 25-June

Now K3 + XVTR in use  manual switching the power to disconnect 12V XVTR144 before  start to TX   70MHz now heard LA8VHF 144.480 S1 LA1UHG 1296.860 23 stronger  to s5 last night Aurora signals heard at 4m LA9BM cw 55A and TF1VHF 70.057 loud  for PI4 tune  USB  700HZ lower even JA was workd by OZ in JO44 just 300km n-e of me  over North pole pity that the QTF is not noted in the spots is it direct QTF 0  or  NNW NNE  the rotor stop is 0 some glimps of DX here in JO33hg  25 June June has been very poor in real DX  here sofar signals very thin -17 -20 and only short decoded other parts off EU seem to be in  better position

K3 144XVTR 60m wspr

PTT connected to KEY-OUT pin10  180R  protection. 13.3V to main single pin power (on board 220R are used to pass signals to the ACC pins as protection )  SMA  144 port Building this 144MHz XVTR  into the K3 project kept me in the warm shack. Since the nice summer type weather ended here last Friday the sky turned grey and we are back to cool windy rainy weather. Same time ES dx Disappeared I now strong believe the ES clouds are fed with sunny sommer weather gasses that rise up into the ionosphere... Some time ago I bought the "Ukrainian"   XVTR 144MHz  And now it works,  had  first contact's at 144.174  in FT8 I seached some victims for the first 144MHz contact,  the whole 144- 146 empty but still life ? or should I say robots active... on FT8 144.174 Meanwhile weather has changed again in to summer  and so  the propagation. Since the K3 144 transverter is running I had remarkable good results w...

1296 MHz DAC June 19

1296MHz activity evening every 3 rd tuesday 17-21 UTC   local 19:00 22:00  RSGB starts/ends 1 hour later Propagatie erg matig voor juni toch gemakkelijk in CW.. SM7DTE en SM6VTZ  > 600km Slechts 6 QSO Ik wilde nu eens  FT8  mode op 23cm proberen 1 QSO FT8 op cq  DK1KDA JO30  zijn 1e FT8 op 1296MHz FT8 is  heel weinig doorgedrongen in de microgolf wereld Het zou de activiteit en resultaat op deze band sterk kunnen verbeteren Helaas zijn de microgolf amateurs van het behoudende type? UHF: paper log  straight key no LOTW maar wel Airscout en KST2ME dat wel De DAC kan zich met FT8 op 23cm  op Ć©Ć©n frequentie afspelen. 1296.500  de default WSJT  dial frequentie Een belangrijk voordeel voor het tot stand komen van een QSO op 23cm. Niet meer  random frequenties zoeken  voor USB of CW. Zo blijft alleen het richten van de antenne over. Kan ook op 1296.165 zijn de "Engelse" linksdraaiende fre...


50.313  MHz  idd Bas  kopie uit WSJT-x met kleurtjes  Sunday  17  most worked before or 1 way propagation only 110030 2 0.3 1332 ~ CQ A71AM LL55 110200 -12 0.1 952 ~ CQ A92AA LL56 105645 -7 0.7 371 ~ CQ 9K2HS LL39 105000 1 -0.8 2308 ~ IZ3JKI 9K2OD -02 090345 -20 1.8 2200 ~ CQ 9K2MU LL49 085800 3 0.1 760 ~ PA0O A45XR RR73 130445 -10 -0.4 1040 ~ CQ HH2JR FK38 called many times  it seemed that this om did not want to QSO us here in north PA running just a simple ACOM1000  124315 -19 0.2 748 ~ CQ VP5DR FL41 115315 -15 0.4 2254 ~ CQ HI8PLE FK58 121445 -14 0.1 1195 ~ G4AJC KB4MRX 73 134045 -11 1.2 2157 ~ G3TDH HI3T -14 132745 -17 0.1 889 ~ CQ ZF1EJ EK99   Cayman Is. eerder QSO gehad  fb signaal was vast wel te werken geweest 135115 -16 0.6 1418 ~ CQ CO8LY FL20   Cuba 135015 -17 0.2 641 ~ CQ KP4EIT FK68  ~Puerto Rico 125815 -10 -0.1 1040 ~ HH2JRIS HH70A ...

6m sudden open again

053730 1 0.1 873 ~ CQ DL1OBF JO42  ~Germany 053730 -8 -0.1 1986 ~ CQ IK4ISR JN54  ~Italy 054245 -6 -0.6 497 ~ BG7BDB S57TW -16 054415 -12 0.0 911 ~ CQ DJ8AW JO53   Germany 054630 -15 0.3 1499 ~ A71AM DH8BQA JO73 060015 -18 0.1 853 ~ BG7BDB LY3BRA KO14 060515 -9 0.2 446 ~ BG7BDB OH7KM -14 060515 -16 0.1 1224 ~ BG7BDB OH3DP KP10 061000 -18 0.3 573 ~ S50A BG7BDB RR73 061030 -23 0.3 573 ~ S50A BG7BDB RR73 061315 -7 0.2 2409 ~ DH8BQA OZ4ACK JO65 061345 -10 0.2 2410 ~ DH8BQA OZ4ACK R-12 061415 -9 0.3 2410 ~ DH8BQA OZ4ACK 73 061445 -7 0.4 1891 ~ BG7BDB OH7KM -14 061445 -11 0.2 2409 ~ DH8BQA OZ4ACK 73 061515 -11 0.2 2409 ~ DH8BQA OZ4ACK 73 061530 -19 0.4 573 ~ CQ BG7BDB OL69  !China 061545 -11 0.1 964 ~ OZ4ACK DJ8AW JO53 061630 -18 0.4 573 ~ OH7KM BG7BDB R-18 061645 -14 0.1 964 ~ CQ DJ8AW JO53   Germany 061700 -12 0.3 2129 ~ CQ OH7KNM KP52  ~Finland 061715 ...


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