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Showing posts from May, 2017

CQ WW DX CW 2016 Log check report

now that is an evaluation  ! Contest: 2016 CQ WW DX CW CONTEST Call: PA0O Category: Single Op All Band High Power Assisted Thank you for submitting a log in the 2016 CQ WW DX CW Contest. Your log checking report is below. We believe it is helpful for participants to receive information on how their log was scored. Log checking details for CQ WW CW 2016: 8,341 Logs total 3,594,876 QSOs total 3,950,287 (90.3%) QSO checked against another log 3,838,742 (97.2%) QSO checked good when checked against another log 54,503 ( 1.6%) Busted calls 12,033 ( 0.3%) Busted exchange 45,009 ( 1.0%) Not in log Average Score Reduction for all logs: 14.0% (Median 9.1%) Explanation of the report sections: Summary - A summary of the log checking results and final score for your entry. Results by Band - This is a band-by-band breakdown of the QSOs, points and multipliers for your entry. Not In Log - These contacts were not found in the other station's log. QSO remov...

50 MHz JT65

Just when I was typing I see JA9IPF  replying for Henk PE1HXK !   the first time  i see Japan in JT65 exception to JA  only JA9IPF and JA9AVA heard but AVA was in QSO with JT1CS  and faded All day 6m is open to JA BY BV from S-EU if i see all decodes passing. Until now here only single hop ES and rare double hop to 4X 5B I am still hoping for  some Asia psk reporter does no longer update my decodes  but that does not surprises me it is software and it is network. When it works it is a great site amazing DX  going on in the JT65 world lot of activity at  50.276  USB dial  JT65 Interesting to see what DX is possible  just a few 100 km south / east today  saw HS0ZIO  was worked and  YI1SAL LM23ei and JA  's DU  ZS1  reported  in s/e EU  EA8 I SV I can not remember that HS was ever worked at 50 MHz in cycle 22 23 24 ?  here in JO33hg as usual  i  see wha...

CQ WPX CW N1MM update 27May issue

Very high QSO numbers Propagation very poor 10m 15m complete closed   no ES 6m and 10m Weakest 40m USA signals since ages  just marginal signals of the big guns The WPX is no dx contest maybe that is a good thing for the near future.. few dx  40m  ZL4YL CX9AU  could not  QRP 100W live is to short for QRP N1MM trouble after update 27 May CAT problems with K3 not possible to tune down to CW part The K3 jumped to wild frequency's  95 MHz had to go back to the previous 24 May version no problem with V 1.0.6347.0


 2nd U3S  tested okay  QLG1 fix at desk Using Taitien VCXO 27.000000  adjustable  0 Hz  drift at 70.092500  and 100% WSPR quality but only 1.5mW  short in the LPF board somewhere 100mW 70MHz U3S without LPF relay PCB

23cm beacons

PI6ASN  1296.638500  CW ID:  PI6ASN LT70/23 CM55g met antieke  locator CM55g in de CW ID  # JO22  lineare transponder Amsterdam  in:  432.537 MHz                                                       out:  1296.637 MHz         ik hoor mijn Icom451 10W vertical (ant =3W )  432.540 FM carrier  zwak op de uitgang terug  veel niet eerder gehoorde bakens  in nachtelijke goede tropo zaterdag op zondag  1296.907500  PI7QHN  CM53b  old VHF locator! 0047  pa0o  1296950.4  DB0GW  jo30jk uni due vy close wth ON 0035  pa0o  1296864.0  DB0JK  jo30lk > jo33hg 9 usb dial0 0030  pa0o  1296853.0  DB0JO  qtf180 0030  pa0o  1296852.5  DB0JO  qtf180 00...


3 rd Thursday this month 70MHz  RSGB  / DAC contest see what can be catched with my 2 ele 4m   of   3 band  VHF246  DK7ZB Band was noisy here  local carriers sort of digi QRM But  signals present in this normally very quiet band. managed 10 QSO    in tropo scatter propagation 20170518 1923  70203.0 CW   PA0O         559  001  OZ8ZS           559  000  JO55RT   421           20170518 1936  70212.4 USB  PA0O          59  002  OZ5KM            59  008  JO45RL   307           20170518 1938  70212.8 CW   PA0O         559  003  OZ1DLD          559  012  JO45RL   307           20170518 1957  70221.8 USB ...

DAC 23cm

High activity at 23cm  3rd Tuesday evening during the DAC My guess DAC stands for Dutch Activity Contest organised by the VERON But EU wide activity every month 3rd Tuesday evening starting 17:00 After the May IARU contest this was the next good opportunity to test my 1296 GHz station. And it was a success this monthly evening activity contest is very popular. remarkable strong signal from SK7MW real 599 CQ-ing My 23cm setup 120cm dish with  frontend transverter.  On top DK7ZB 642 VHF  below 5e6m +HF                                             attempt to make a night picture  of the digital readout top-light.                            The front end transverter DB6NT  + PA 30-40W ,  preamp eBay SPF5189z           ...

Off season low band

 Thunder storm   nice spring weather temperatures  20C                                                  80M still the  West Beverage is in the field last night was not bad but missed sunset gray line due t-storm Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2017-05-14 04:02   K7ZT   3.594152   -17   0   EM10bn   5   PA0O   JO33hg   8209   37   2017-05-14 03:22   KD5DFL   3.594082   -15   1   EM31sh   5   PA0O   JO33hg   7825   39   2017-05-14 02:58   K2LYV   3.594099   -18   0   EL88rb   5   PA0O   JO33hg  ...

WSPR 1296.500 MHz

test with Jorgen OZ7IT was success even ON5KTO was received  over 651km

VERON IARU mei contest

zaterdag gast operator bij PI4GN op 70 23 13 9 6 3 1,5 zondag  vanuit huis op 23cm hoge verwachtingen voor mijn 23cm station maar uiteindelijk slechts 9 QSO behalve PI4GN 9++  en DF0MU geen signalen te horen De dagen ervoor sterke WSPR signalen van o.a. ON5KTO en PA0JME Maar geen spoor van al die PA's en ON's die ik verwachte waar zijn toch al die om's  met die Bulgaarse  23cm transverters ? 20170507 0633  1296229,7 USB  PA0O          59  001  PI4GN         59  065  JO33II    11 20170507 0645  1296179,9 USB  PA0O          59  002  DF0MU       59  063  JO32PC   138 20170507 0652    433250,1 USB  PA0O          59  003  PI4GN         59  144  JO33II    11 20170507 0852  1296214,1 USB  PA0O   ...

First 6m ES signal 2017

50MHz  OY es 2017-05-04 06:40   PA0O   50.294598   -19   0   JO33hg   2   OY1OF   IP62oa   1254 23cm: 2 local QSO's PA0T  and PA3EKM 4 beacons copied every day G3MHZ  1296.830    JO02pb OZ7IGY  1296.930    JO33wm       CW and IP  ID DB0VC    1296.920   JO54if PI7ALK    1296.916   JO22ip    fsk  cw id  tjirpy  no yet at 23cm   WSPR  ON5KTO  first decode ever at 1296.500 USB lots of Doppler airplane reflections Have to isolate the PLL 1050MHz pll Now it is drifting a bit and 100Hz lower then at room temperature the IC706 reports the 146.501500 MHz i.f. at WSJT-X can report the 23cm TX frequency if the i.f. offset in my XVTR  -1.150 is set nice feature  this is not possible in N1MM+ ...

QRV 23cm/ 1296 MHz again after 30 years....

"mast head" placed close behind 1m2 dish in plastic box (ACTION 1ā‚¬50)  XVTR  1.5W , PLL 1150 DF9NP ,   PA PE1CMO  30-40W rF ( hoping) pre-amp  SPF5189z eBay  lowered to 2V7 still draws 160mA ! I replaced the original SPF5189z because it almost looked like short circuit  at 5V an UA78L05 could not supply it! needed a UA7805 200mA+  PCB heath up  need a better quality SMA - N  adapter   first QSO with  local PA0T very loud 9++  After 30 years  back on 23                                              yesterday evening in nice temperature and no wind finally.  A good time to place the disc + XVTR up The modified DB6NT with PLL 1050MHz l.o. that was prepared last year up in the mast for the real test. In JO33HG  could copy  4 beacons reasonable almost 100% 419 ...


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