After more then 20 years my radio room had to be complete cleared out for a new floor.
What a lot of things gathered together in all these years.
It is a travel back in time this cleaning up operation.
It took many days to remove 3 tables 2 bureaus and all other furniture and radio stuff Including even my LP record collection.
The room sounds empty the acoustic is better. Now only 1 shelf on the wall with the K3 is left And still running WSPR 10m is very good today heard KH7Y lp 28400 loud with EU pile. first time this season a 80m west-coast decode and again the best possible DX on 28MHz 2013-11-28 08:24 ZL2IT 28.126084 -23 0 RF80km 5 PA0O JO33hg 18312 337 2013-11-28 07:46 W1CK 3.594049 -12 0 DM13ie 5 PA0O JO33hg 8987 30