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Showing posts from August, 2013

10m recovers a bit

some USA decodes again last evening seen W8AC few times this week  first thought it was a wrong band report since it was so long ago to see USA decodes at 28MHz 10 milliWatt only at ND6M  2013-08-20 21:06   ND6M   28.126044   -26   -1   EM55se   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   7256   41   2013-08-20 21:18   ND6M   28.126044   -28   0   EM55se   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   7256   41   2013-08-20 20:52   W8AC   28.126147   -24   0   EN91jm   5   PA0O   JO33hg   6311   46   2013-08-20 20:32   W8AC   28.126147   -24   0   EN91jm   5   PA0O   JO33hg   6311 ...

Upload LOTW fails it is crashed

I tried to recover LOTW LOTW is better protected then e-banking.. It is easier to send 10.000$  then to upload the LOTW logbook I don't know why this is so protected. I am not afraid someone is stealing my qso's ?? I seems a bit of an overkill security made  by a retired CIA official.. Did the trick setting  the system time back. Then TQSLCert shows valid keys I saved the    p12 type files recovering the p12 files did not help me either I renewed the PA0O certificate   then a  P5  type file was generated and saved to the hidden Windows user maps but  could trace it back. I send the pa0o.p5 file to  assuming only the call is in the msg header there was an automatic generated reply saying the request was processed. Today I received the  pa0o.t6 file in return that supposed to be installed by d-click or by loading it in the TQSLCert. But the ce...

EA6 land holliday

Back from short last minute on EA6 Mallorca. We had a very warm July in JO33hg  until last Wednesday it ended drastically changed from 28 to 15C   heavy showers after a  thunderstorm with bad damage and one young girl killed by a fallen tree. From our local airport it's a 2h20m flight only to get into a tropical world. The contrast couldn't be greater the runway was flooded and 15C in Groningen we had to walk to the plane  a small airport. Mallorca airport is very big 15 million travellers it looked bigger then Schiphol Amsterdam airport. From a rainy 15C to 36C   even after  midnight still around 30C  almost to warm for a walk on the beach. At night on the beach we saw 4 meteoroids 12 August in 1 hour time it was not very dark the light pollution was high but dark  enough to see the milky way.  Not like a shower but the radiant was Perseus.  Bruce Springsteen's modest yacht Palma de Mallorca...

4m TF3ML/P in IP03AS 70.200MHz Zaterdag ook hier erg sterk  nadat de propagatie verplaatste  van GJ/GW  naar  S/W PA en uiteindelijk ook  Groningen 15:13 UTC  IP03AS De 1e Bouke Mollema classic Zondagochtend meegedaan. Maar weer eens het luie zweet eruit. Schitterende dag mooi georganiseerd met RF-ID tag in sticker met het deelnemer nummer. De Tag triggerde de kamera's op bepaalde punten.  100km gefietst  de start was vlakbij mijn QTH vanaf sportcentrum Kardinge Bouke was niet te min om met iedereen die dat wilde op de foto te gaan Vaak wel mooie dames  dat viel me wel op.. Mijn HTC weigerde weer eens dienst op het moment surprime.   Nu weer gezeur over   can  not find medium for video or pictures. Dat ding heeft ook altijd wel een foutmelding kan dit niet kan dat niet.. Het zal de intelligentie wel zijn. Geef mij maar een domme camera die gewoon een scherpe foto maakt als je de sluiter...


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