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 Steppir 3e 70m! coax working fine . The SOLAR EDGE  QRM is solved by the company placing new type optimisers and new cabling all noise and carriers gone, halleluja! Solar Edge did a good job here ( after 3 years) they solved the problem , they kept there promise . 

  All bogus decodes striped out , i was the only one decoded in Antarctica !  and the only North EU that decoded PY3FF this time 













# Spots

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Experienced  EMC problem with USB audio devices  of above type 7.1 Channel sound
QRM signature: strong RF spark type pulses at 144 and 432 MHz  annoying strong.. 
Those USB audio adapters are offered as low as 1€ !  + shipping at AliExpress or eBay

They work without extra drivers instantly in W7/10  and offer audio channels for digital modes.
I use 2 of them  simultane  the default system is kept free the extra audio channels do not interfere  system audio. 
They support DVD  48kb/s speed, no specs about AD/DA resolution guess 8bits ? 
Once saw a very rough blocked shape sinus output  causing multiple audio traces, but after reset this was fixed. Monitor the  FT8 signal is a good thing.
(b.t.w.  General when using WSPR unattended  one must be reachable by email or mobile.
   My signal also got disturbed 1 day and 3 HAM's  mailed me it, was better to  be reachable by           Whatsapp
   Some HAMS are complete unreachable like a PA1 at 80m having 4 or more multiple decodes many   weeks now, but no email / telephone and not logged in at WSPRNET.ORG  ,complete anonymous.     

Oké, To continue,  About these cheap USB audio devices but they generate strong spark type pulses at 144 and 432 MHz and in between!
All my 5 USB audio plugs produce his spark type QRM so the issue is reproducible. 
Using good fer-rite clamps with multiple winding  over a short USB extension cable helped.
But while testing an other rig with USB -Audio the cracks where  very loud again at 144 
Plugged in an USB hub this QRM was gone! , not sure if all USB  hubs can do that.
But this was an easy solution of the QRM problem plus the advantage of having more USB 2 type slots available.

Some HAM's report no RFI problems with this device maybe because using some other type USB slot.
My experience is that data bus systems like USB cause QRM , f.i. the internal device bus in the K3.
Even  Winkeyer USB suffers high QRM S9 at 14MHz,  Grounding the USB connector case to the ground of the K3 brought it down from  S9 to S1 

left 7.1 channel USB audio right USB serial for Kenwood TS811E CAT 70cm all mode set's in use at PI4GN. The Sweex silenced the VHF/UHF pulses from the USB-AUDIO.
Right is an USB/rs232 converter prolific chip  for the TS811E  CAT option.
I prefer FTDI types but this one works stable in Win10 
The CAT data connection does interfere with the modulation of the TS811E  on both rigs.
Signature:  cyclic  data puls train burst heard in modulation.
This is caused by bad or no shielding  and grounding of this data interface.
Grounding the USB connector case to the TS811E housing did the data rumble disappear almost 100%...  I had to ground the USB case in another EMC issue with the WinkeyUSB years ago. For unknown reason the USB devices are bad shielded even the ones that are ment to work with sensitive radio devices
TS811 CAT option well build rs232 interface. But...RTS DTR lines can not be used for T/R CW function   RTS needs to be kept high  or else the connection goes offline. No handshake function enabled  RTS  does not need to be connected with CTS or DSR inputs. I do not understand why other then TxD and RxD lines are used for this simple rig polling type communication?  
There are more things i do not understand.. f.i. why does N1MM rig communication stop polling with a "timeout error" if the rig communication is interrupted shortly for what ever reason.
 N1MM  comes up with an error message saying the rig comport xx os offline The program is halted and the user must click ok  , okay? , no not okay! Why not simply sign the communication status red and continue polling the rig to automatic reconnect?   
If this same procedure was used in internet communication and  every network interruption would bring an annoying popup be clicked away with "okay?"
  for something that is not okay what would you like that?   


Nico said…
Goed bezig Jaap.
Groetjes Nico Derks (hopelijk in November mijn N)
pa0o said…
hoi Nico
leuk dat je ook interesse voor radio techniek hebt

ik heb net een prachtig boek van Tony PA4TON
20 jaar uitgewerkte examenvragen radioamateur

toch wel pittig als je dat allemaal moet weten
je mag hem lenen..


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