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Showing posts from June, 2020

50 Mhz opening 29 June Zonnewende propagatie ( Summer Solstice klinkt als een darm aandoening)

BV6CC  very first time copied  Taiwan and DU6/PE1NSQ    using Steppir 4ele 60m cable  ACom1000 But we had to leave for an appointment ... This opening was even better then the Saturday before  it went further to DU6/PE1NSQ  BV6CC . How big is the chance  that such an opening happens exactly one has to leave for an appointment .. I think 100% it is typical for 6m. I could work remote but the real DX was drowned between the many EU callers

Replacing a Steppir coax cable is an easy job i thought

Steppir down for coax replacement. To replace the coax i needed to bring the Stepper complete down. By coincidence  the same afternoon we had a thunderstorm A so called supercell caused a lot of damage 25km east of me  here Luckly only short time strong wind and a shower rain. Supercell 27-6 Oude Pekela The plan was to replace 30m H100 with 25m RF400 low loss flexible cable. An easy job should fix it in the standing lowered mast in an hour or so.... But this took me all afternoon and part of the evening. RF400 is "the best coax in this diameter 9.5mm"  I used PL259  connectors of a higher quality This type is for semi-air or foam cable like RF400 but i first did not know what the "extra" ring is for. Afterwards i found that it should be over the braid against the gasket, then the braid must be clamped between the 2 rings the The opening of that ring is too smal to fit over the outside but does go over the bread. The lower ring bus is pressed i...

A92HK 70.154MHz WSPR 160 80 10 1 week

TimestampCallMHzSNRDriftGridPwrReporterRGridkmaz# Spots 2020-06-21 03:38  PA0O  3.570194  -25  0  JO33hg  10  ZL2BCI  RE79nd  18387  37  8  2020-06-21 04:18  PA0O  3.570194  -25  0  JO33hg  10  ZL2005SWL  RE68mx  18315  42  2  2020-06-24 20:24  PA0O  3.570193  -22  0  JO33hg  10  VK7DIK  QE38cu  16733  82  5  2020-06-26 18:50  PA0O  7.040133  -6  0  AG24  0.1  GM4BLO  IO75tv  16554  10  1  2020-06-22 19:44  PA0O  3.570194  -24  0  JO33hg  10 ...

144 MHz tropo to North Spain Juno 22 23

Next   Call sign Worked Date/Time Band Mode Freq QSL Details PA0O PA0RDY 2020-06-24 17:41:00 10M FT8 28.07559   Details PA0O EA1W 2020-06-23 22:43:15 2M FT8 144.17625 SPAIN Details PA0O 5T5PA 2020-06-23 20:41:45 10M FT8 28.07559 MAURITANIA Details PA0O LA3YNA 2020-06-23 14:11:45 2M FT8 144.17487   Details PA0O RV3DQC 2020-06-23 07:30:48 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O R4UA 2020-06-23 07:28:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O RA1QY 2020-06-23 07:26:15 12M FT8 24.91601 EUROPEAN RUSSIA Details PA0O DK7ZT 2020-06-23 07:13:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O BG3ITB 2020-06-23 07:03:45 12M FT8 24.91601 CHINA Details PA0O RN6AJ 2020-06-23 06:53:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O UR3VKB 2020-06-23 06:52:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O R3UG 2020-06-23 06:48:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O UB6ACS 2020-06-23 06:47:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O RV3DBK 2020-06-23 06:44:15 12M FT8 24.91601   Details PA0O EA2XR 2020...

WSPR result all bands mainly 80m is contributing to DX 24hrs remarkable very early morning L.P. to ZL

Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2020-06-21 04:40   PA0O   3.570195   -25   0   JO33hg   10   ZL2BCI   RE79nd   18387   37   2020-06-21 03:38   PA0O   3.570194   -25   0   JO33hg   10   ZL2BCI   RE79nd   18387   37   2020-06-21 03:58   PA0O   3.570194   -22   0   JO33hg   10   ZL2BCI   RE79nd   18387   37   2020-06-21 04:18   PA0O   3.570194   -23   0   JO33hg   10   ZL2BCI   RE79nd   18387   37   2020-06-21 04:18   PA0O   3.570194   -23   0   JO33hg   10...

Software perikelen

MacBook Air OSX  "Catalina"   WSJT-x  laatste geĆÆnstalleerd  maar onbruikbaar  menu balk is er niet  dat was een senior momentje ik keek op de verkeerde plek de menubalk staat gewoon boven op de Apple balk dat kost geen extra regel schermruimte zoals in Windows dus eigenlijk beter. De Mac heeft alleen een interne microfoon. Er is geen line in op de 3.5mm jack? Een 4 polige Y-splitser werkte niet.  Een USB audio  zou mogelijk kunnen Catalina heeft  geen ondersteuning van Wine. dus geen N1MM voor bootcamp heeft deze Macbook met 120Gb SSD en 8G ram iets te weinig ruimte. Viel  op dat er bij verzenden van scherm foto's geen klein voorbeeld van de afbeelding word getoond  lastig natuurlijk. Nadat ik eindelijk met overigens uitstekende hulp van  Apple  het oorspronkelijk OSx  10.12 Yosemite  kon vervangen door Mojave.  Email en iTV KPN   eindelijk  werkte dat. Wifi verbinden en wiss...


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