Trying to find any sign of Perseid shower again this year
Until now 12 August just random reflections nothing above normal
1 or 2 DX reflections / hour only
over the last days
hrd R5WM KO72QI 1928km few time's 1/2 QSO +17 / +17 but thunderstorm QRT
UR3EE KN88 2186km few times decoded
UA3AVY KO95 2100 1 CQ..
RX1AS few times seen
few other with just 1 decode
over the night i left 144.360 monitoring almost no reflections seen
monitoring Graves 143.050 very few pings
sofar no signs of Perseiden shower just random reflections
high activity makes the illusion like some shower is going on
maybe it has to come yet...
but only high power hams can make "QSO" that take many endless repeating steps
most one time good strong reflection and then nothing heard i the next 30 minutes
no QSO complete here i was more listening and trying to get over 2000km
but did not succeed just too poor reflections here
heard 2 long bursts over 7 seconds of UR6EF and UT9UR
everyone uses 30 sec rx/tx sequence and we in W-EU send the 2nd 30 sec period
MSK144 sends about 250 characters / second
CQ is send like @CQ PA0O JO33 13 characters
Every 24 character interval a 6 character sync sequence is inserted
so 6/24 x 250 =200 is left for the message this is 200/13 = about 15
15 x CQ is send per second so about 67mS takes 1 complete cq message if i am correct
MSK144 new for me is the CQ with QSY freq like below
clicking on a decoded line with CQ 368 like below your rig will qsy to the given offset 144.368
but i am wondering does RA3EME go QSY after his cq? or is it split freq?
i did click on the CQ xxx messages never to hear anything more..
if every one is using 144.360 this can give some qrm but with the poor reflections i have not seen any
bust interfering.
And like ES the reflections are spotty so reflections do not interfere much
guess with a serious shower this will help avoiding QRM...
It seems to me the Perseid shower is not showing as many as it did in the past long time ago
or is it my relative simple setup 7 ele 200W
I could not see a peak in this shower by leaving the set on 144360 24hours 3 days
204132 QSY 144.368
204100 4 10.6 1399 CQ 368 RA3EME KO72 EU Russia
224104 QSY 144.330
224000 1 6.5 1424 CQ 330 RK3AF EU Russia
120708 QSY 144.391
120300 7 11.3 1444 CQ 391 LZ0C CQ Zone 20
124900 8 0.7 1445 PA0O UA3PTW +08
212100 -1 1.7 1490 CQ RJ3DC KO95 2100km
Until now 12 August just random reflections nothing above normal
1 or 2 DX reflections / hour only
over the last days
hrd R5WM KO72QI 1928km few time's 1/2 QSO +17 / +17 but thunderstorm QRT
UR3EE KN88 2186km few times decoded
UA3AVY KO95 2100 1 CQ..
RX1AS few times seen
few other with just 1 decode
over the night i left 144.360 monitoring almost no reflections seen
monitoring Graves 143.050 very few pings
sofar no signs of Perseiden shower just random reflections
high activity makes the illusion like some shower is going on
maybe it has to come yet...
but only high power hams can make "QSO" that take many endless repeating steps
most one time good strong reflection and then nothing heard i the next 30 minutes
no QSO complete here i was more listening and trying to get over 2000km
but did not succeed just too poor reflections here
heard 2 long bursts over 7 seconds of UR6EF and UT9UR
everyone uses 30 sec rx/tx sequence and we in W-EU send the 2nd 30 sec period
MSK144 sends about 250 characters / second
CQ is send like @CQ PA0O JO33 13 characters
Every 24 character interval a 6 character sync sequence is inserted
so 6/24 x 250 =200 is left for the message this is 200/13 = about 15
15 x CQ is send per second so about 67mS takes 1 complete cq message if i am correct
MSK144 new for me is the CQ with QSY freq like below
clicking on a decoded line with CQ 368 like below your rig will qsy to the given offset 144.368
but i am wondering does RA3EME go QSY after his cq? or is it split freq?
i did click on the CQ xxx messages never to hear anything more..
if every one is using 144.360 this can give some qrm but with the poor reflections i have not seen any
bust interfering.
And like ES the reflections are spotty so reflections do not interfere much
guess with a serious shower this will help avoiding QRM...
It seems to me the Perseid shower is not showing as many as it did in the past long time ago
or is it my relative simple setup 7 ele 200W
I could not see a peak in this shower by leaving the set on 144360 24hours 3 days
204132 QSY 144.368
204100 4 10.6 1399 CQ 368 RA3EME KO72 EU Russia
224104 QSY 144.330
224000 1 6.5 1424 CQ 330 RK3AF EU Russia
120708 QSY 144.391
120300 7 11.3 1444 CQ 391 LZ0C CQ Zone 20
124900 8 0.7 1445 PA0O UA3PTW +08
212100 -1 1.7 1490 CQ RJ3DC KO95 2100km