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Showing posts from August, 2019

5/8 10m vertical and K3 with TR-2018 HD 144MHz

28MHz  5/8 wave base  6m a.g.  vertical aluminium tube 20mm 2m50 and a fishing rod with shunted 1.5mm2 wire total length 6,4meter = 0.64 x wave   Base of former CB 1/2wave or  5/8wave used with external coil 3 wgd  ( 1 wdg in the socket) The original coil is removed ( 5+3 wdg 32mm close wound) 3wdg gave best matching using 2 radial wires 1:1.6   got 1:1.2 when 1 radial hanging vertical down... results are very good in compare with the higher h-dipole although the groundwave of DB0PBS at 50km only is received on the dipole. Other signals over iono Es gave comparable snr sometimes even better      The impedance of a 5/8 wave vertical is given as (75 -425j) Ī©    needed is XL  +425j to balance out the capacitive -425 Rothammel  say  2.3uH for D/d=4000  the ratio of lenght and conductor diameter does have influence on the inductance the thinner the conductor the higher th...

Perseiden still a meteoroid shower?

Trying to find any sign of Perseid shower again this year    Until now 12 August just random reflections nothing above normal 1 or 2  DX reflections  / hour only over the last days  hrd R5WM KO72QI 1928km   few time's  1/2 QSO +17 / +17  but thunderstorm QRT UR3EE KN88 2186km few times decoded LY2CG  OH1DX  UA3AVY KO95  2100  1 CQ.. RX1AS  few times seen few other with just 1 decode over the night i left 144.360 monitoring almost no reflections seen monitoring Graves 143.050  very few pings sofar  no signs of Perseiden shower  just random reflections high activity makes the illusion  like some shower is going on maybe it has to come yet... but only high power hams can make "QSO"  that take many endless repeating steps most one time good strong reflection and then nothing heard i the next 30 minutes no QSO complete here i was more listening and trying to get over 2000k...


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