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June summer contest 50MHz UKSMG

                                            l2 hours 6m all modes

FT8 heard VP2EIH VE1PZ  PZ5RA PV8DX YV5LI HH2JR HH70A (WSJT-x refused to pick up that callsign with d-click) and HI  KP4   but only  CO8LY was 2-way on  alternative 50.323
one way propagation for all other DX
They where working Italians but Mediterranean ham's can work  late night into the Caribbean
   while here the band is closing short after sunset.

Weekend lot of contest activity   unlike HF easy  PG7V  contest calendar
for  VHF UHF contest date's there is no easy complete calendar site? 

 Microwave contest  Saturday June 2 1200u  Sunday 1200u
     managed 8 QSO   1296 MHz   after  an easy random  QSO with OK2
      activity dropped and  no more sked's requests at KST2ME
I like 23cm. My station is good RX  and TX >30W direct  at the 1m2 dish feedpoint
But too much noise for me.
Same time 6m was buzzing so i decided for contest at 6m

WA7BNM  did not mention the AEGEAN contest
AEGEAN  UTC and Sunday 03 June 2018 13:00 UTC (24 hours duration).
so i choose N1MM contest type VHF serial Region1
rst serial and grid(6)
UKSMG  6m field day contest   2/3 June 1300 to 1300UTC  rst serial loc(6)

Confusing also
 Dutch Kingdom contest HF +6M  exchange  RST  SERIAL

NP2J  fb "ears" heard cq'n long time with 419 to 529 not busy
on request got a contest report thanks for ODX fb! just before  contest closing time
 KP4EIT  is a worked longtime before for most 6m HAM's
Would have been nice to receive a contest number  then it would be my ODX
now it was just a 59 thanks contact

Contest organisation and activity in the U.K. is at  high standard.

                                                     my contest QSO map at UKSMG
        Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Cty  Pt/Q
          50  CW      23   31915   151387.6
          50  USB     50   89345   111786.9
       Total  Both    73  121260   261661.1

June  prime time for  ES dx..

Call signWorkedDate/TimeBandModeFreqQSL
DetailsPA0OK7BV2018-06-03 16:13:156MFT850.32403
DetailsPA0OK4PI.2018-06-03 16:05:006MFT850.32346
DetailsPA0OHI3T2018-06-03 12:39:006MFT850.31343
DetailsPA0OWP4G2018-06-03 12:17:006MFT850.31349
DetailsPA0ODL3LK2018-06-03 12:14:086MCW50.08435
DetailsPA0OOH6OW2018-06-03 12:10:076MCW50.08435
DetailsPA0OHA3KHB2018-06-03 12:09:046MCW50.08435
DetailsPA0OYT3EE2018-06-03 12:08:286MCW50.08435
DetailsPA0OHA3HX2018-06-03 12:08:016MCW50.08435
DetailsPA0O9A4K2018-06-03 12:05:136MCW50.08435
DetailsPA0OUT1US2018-06-03 12:02:576MCW50.09670
DetailsPA0OSM2ELN2018-06-03 11:55:326MCW50.09630
DetailsPA0OKP4EIT2018-06-03 11:48:576MSSB50.12995
DetailsPA0ONP2J2018-06-03 11:34:346MCW50.10080
DetailsPA0OEA1NK2018-06-03 11:26:476MCW50.09210SPAIN
DetailsPA0OEA1AQO2018-06-03 11:24:386MSSB50.14050
DetailsPA0OEA2BFM2018-06-03 11:18:366MSSB50.15850
DetailsPA0OIS0RVH2018-06-03 11:15:036MSSB50.20290
DetailsPA0OEB1RL2018-06-03 11:12:376MSSB50.18280
DetailsPA0OEA8BPX2018-06-03 11:07:236MSSB50.15990
DetailsPA0OEA4AYW2018-06-03 11:00:596MSSB50.16000
DetailsPA0OIT9BTI2018-06-03 10:59:276MSSB50.17095
DetailsPA0OEA1DHB2018-06-03 10:58:186MSSB50.18000
DetailsPA0OIK8EVE2018-06-03 10:39:116MSSB50.14485
DetailsPA0OEA1ASC2018-06-03 10:23:076MSSB50.18485

most QSO in USB and CW
dial 50.313  for USA  dial 50.323  ??
signal offset where all above 2kHz
i tuned 1kHz up to  50.324 to center the signals a bit

below my FT8 receive log
50. 313 PZ5RA strong heard and called but no response  like all other DX seemed to be deaf for  me 

155651 Tx 508 ~ PZ5RA PA0O -03
155700 -4 0.2 1602 ~ I2BRT PZ5RA RR73
155715 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O -03
155730 -7 0.2 1602 ~ I2BRT PZ5RA RR73
155745 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O -03
155800 -2 0.2 1602 ~ CQ PZ5RA GJ25
155815 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O -03
155830 0 0.2 1602 ~ CQ PZ5RA GJ25
155845 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O -03
155857 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O +00
155900 -4 0.2 1601 ~ CQ PZ5RA GJ25
155915 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O +00
155930 -5 0.2 1601 ~ F6ISI PZ5RA -07
155945 Tx 464 ~ PZ5RA PA0O +00
160000 -8 0.2 1601 ~ F6ISI PZ5RA -07
160038 Tx 464 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
160100 Tx 464 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
160130 Tx 464 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
160115 -8 0.1 601 ~ CQ NP4BM FK68
160145 -8 0.0 600 ~ CQ NP4BM FK68
160200 Tx 464 ~ NP4BM PA0O -08
160215 -9 0.0 600 ~ CQ NP4BM FK68
160230 Tx 464 ~ NP4BM PA0O -08
160245 -9 0.1 600 ~ G3YQC NP4BM -20
160300 Tx 464 ~ NP4BM PA0O -08
160315 -10 0.0 600 ~ G3YQC NP4BM -20
160330 Tx 464 ~ NP4BM PA0O -08
160345 -13 0.1 600 ~ G3YQC NP4BM -20
160400 Tx 464 ~ NP4BM PA0O -08
160445 -19 0.2 540 ~ CQ DX K4PI EM73
160506 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O JO33
160510 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O -19
160530 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O -19
160600 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O -19
160630 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O -19
160645 -15 0.1 540 ~ PA0O K4PI R-11
160702 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O -19
160705 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O R-19
160730 Tx 464 ~ K4PI PA0O RR73
160830 Tx 464 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
160836 Tx 464 ~
160845 -19 0.1 2031 ~ CQ DX K7BV FM04
160910 Tx 464 ~ K7BV PA0O JO33
160915 -11 0.1 2031 ~ CQ DX K7BV FM04
160930 Tx 464 ~ K7BV PA0O JO33
161000 Tx 1026 ~ K4PI PA0O R-15
161015 -15 0.1 2031 ~ PA0O K7BV -17
161030 Tx 1026 ~ K4PI PA0O R-15
160845 -19 0.1 2031 ~ CQ DX K7BV FM04
161100 Tx 1026 ~ K7BV PA0O R-19
161130 Tx 1026 ~ K7BV PA0O R-19
161200 Tx 1026 ~ K7BV PA0O R-19
161230 Tx 1026 ~ K7BV PA0O R-19
161300 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161330 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161341 Tx 1026 ~ K7BV PA0O R-19
161345 -21 0.1 2031 ~ PA0O K7BV 73
161400 Tx 1026 ~ K7BV PA0O 73
161430 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161215 -14 -0.1 1213 ~ G4RRA NN4X R-05
161500 Tx 1026 ~ NN4X PA0O -09
161530 Tx 1026 ~ NN4X PA0O -09
161600 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161630 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161700 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161707 Tx 1026 ~ NN4X PA0O -09
161730 Tx 1026 ~ NN4X PA0O -09
161800 Tx 1026 ~ NN4X PA0O -09
161806 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161830 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161900 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161930 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
161945 -15 0.1 2456 ~ CQ DX N3XX EM73
162004 Tx 1026 ~ N3XX PA0O JO33
162008 Tx 1026 ~ N3XX PA0O -15
162015 -16 0.1 2456 ~ GW7SMV N3XX -07
162030 Tx 1026 ~ N3XX PA0O -15
162100 Tx 1026 ~ N3XX PA0O -15
162130 Tx 1026 ~ N3XX PA0O -15
162145 -12 0.3 1313 ~ F5PHW W5ADD -15
162230 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O -12
162300 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O -12
162330 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O -12
162315 -13 0.3 1752 ~ CQ W5ADD EM40
162336 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O JO33
162339 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O -13
162400 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O -13
162415 -9 0.3 1752 ~ G0HDB W5ADD -12
162430 Tx 1026 ~ W5ADD PA0O -13
162415 -19 0.2 969 ~ CQ DX KN5O EM40
162500 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O JO33
162530 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O JO33
162600 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O -19
162630 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O -19
162700 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O -19
162730 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O -19
162800 Tx 1026 ~ KN5O PA0O -19
162804 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
162830 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33
162900 Tx 1026 ~ CQ DX PA0O JO33

then it was dinner time ..
confusing this 2nd FT8 dial frequency cluster reported frequency 50323kHz
but there the audio offset was 1kHz too  high

signals where fading in and out as usual but FT8 is fast
JT65 seems to be forgotten it's only  FT8


PE4BAS, Bas saidā€¦
Vreemd die 2e frequentie. Wel iets om in de gaten te houden dus. De vraag is waarom? Ik heb ergens iets gelezen over een speciale FT8 DX frequentie?? 73, Bas


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