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Showing posts from April, 2018


Found back my old  PYE PF2 UB    pocket  70cm portofoon  produced 1970 --75 Once used in our local DX  warning net  432.775  433.525 back in the  previous millennium  80 ties Still worked after all the years.  Portofone  is huge compared with modern sets 0.5W - 0.8W  out There is a PYE museum web-page Interesting to look at the well  designed Technics inside It comes from Cambridge so it is good beyond doubt ... Extreme power / battery efficient   RX/standby  pulsing 1-2mA  duty cycle 10%  at 13.6V The TX takes only 160mA  at  500mW out  at this point it can beat  modern devices. The Battery voltage is 15V   it can safely work on  motor bike or car power  voltage  13.6V  and plus Featuring an economizer circuit  that is a pulsing  supply for RX   dut...


Fantastic signals received and worked at PI9CAM Dwingeloo   today at 1296.025 CW EME contest with straight-key and Excel logging ... I am spoiled with N1MM logging and keying PA2DW  at the key picture below is a straight key man former marconist.                                    

WSPR 12 hours

Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2018-04-13 23:44   PA0O   5.366136   -18   0   JO33hg   1   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-04-13 21:24   PA0O   5.366135   -20   0   JO33hg   1   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-04-14 00:36   PA0O   5.366136   -21   0   JO33hg   1   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-04-13 22:38   PA0O   5.366136   -20   0   JO33hg   1   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-04-14 01:24   PA0O   5.366136   -18   0   JO33hg   1...

QRM QRM QRM in a would be low noise QTH

28.074MHz  FT8 band  with S5 noise today ALL BANDS  are polluted with QRM  0 to 1300MHz S5 Noise 28MHz S7 21 MHZ whole spectrum is  30dB and higher noise plus carriers  digital smog  50MHz  30dB noise from the Solar EDGE broadband transmitter AT  Dutch Telecom say it is within the legal limits They could not even detect it on their mobile equipment It is legal to make RF smog as long as the GSM traffic and other services  is just good enough. 23cm 1.3GHz   never ending s7 QRM cracking from direction S-W 28 MHz complete covered with S5 sm noise day and night 50MHz  noise raise to 30dB  in the direction of SOLAR EDGE  system at 50m from almost 0 to  at least 150 MHz  every 200kHz  a group off digi trash carriers I have to investigate this myself The  Agentschap Telecom can only detect radio interference that exceed levels of 50dB on normal radio HAM receivers  53...

SPF5189z Low noise preamp 23cm

 14-4-2018 updated Above the low noise  preamp 50 - 4GHz    ebay  6ā‚¬ Tested  2 small porto antennas 1 Baofeng UV antenna left   2nd best signal on PI2NOS 2 eBay DIAMONDSRH805S  wide band 144/432/1200  it works for its size as expected 3 piece of wire :   best signal in the setup... Unit under test at workbench. It was stable  50mA  at 5V   few days,  but sudden the current went up to 100mA And i could  no longer adjust it with the negative bias Voltage. The - Voltage went to zero and the SPF input port became low Z. This SPF5189z was broken  no oscillations, no input overload just it broke while i was receiving the PI2NOS 430.125 using a small antenna at the workbench. The specs of  SPF5189z  say it has an internal circuit  regulating the bias current. Replaced . again   with an other of the 5 spare SPF i have. The new one again could be adjuste...

474.2 kHz 630m

the last 630m T.A. decode was  end of March Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km 2018-03-2904:18 WA4SZE 0.475653 -28 0 EM65 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 7147 2018-03-2902:18 WA4SZE 0.475653 -29 0 EM65 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 7147 2018-03-2301:46 WA4SZE 0.475653 -31 0 EM65 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 7147 2018-03-3002:02 WA4SZE 0.475653 -28 0 EM65 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 7147 2018-03-2303:46 WA4SZE 0.475653 -26 0 EM65 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 7147 2018-03-3003:42 WA4SZE 0.475653 -24 0 EM65 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 7147 2018-03-2302:48 W1IR 0.475654 -34 0 FN34lp 5 PA0O JO33hg 5587 2018-03-2704:24 W1IR 0.475634 -25 0 FN34lp 5 PA0O JO33hg 5587 2018-03-2202:56 W1IR 0.475624 -26 0 FN34lp 5 PA0O JO33hg 5587 2018-03-2303:28 W1IR 0.475654 -21 0 FN34lp 5 PA0O JO33hg 5587 2018-03-2105:02 W1IR 0.475639 -25 0 FN34lp 5 PA0O JO33hg 5587 2018-03-2304:10 W1IR 0.475654 -29 0 FN34lp 5 PA0O JO33hg 5587 2018-03...


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