first time this season some testing at 70.091MHz
a lot of decodes between Jorgen OZ7IT and me resulted
these are the unique decodes only
4 spots:
Timestamp | Call | MHz | SNR | Drift | Grid | Pwr | Reporter | RGrid | km | az |
2018-02-26 11:32 | PA0O | 70.092535 | -2 | 0 | JO33hg | 1 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-26 11:46 | OZ7IT | 70.092459 | -20 | -1 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-26 16:16 | PA0O | 70.092554 | -12 | -1 | JO33hg | 1 | DF4PV/RX2 | JN49ax | 379 | 164 |
2018-02-26 15:06 | PA0O | 70.092579 | -20 | -1 | JO33hg | 1 | PA0JME | JO21ri | 227 | 201 |
first time tested WSPR 432.300MHz
Using just X30 vertical g.p. 6m a.g. and the vintage IC451E
this is an ICOM allmode rig ( CW FM USB/LSB to be precise since nowadays all mode means al lot more then in the last Milenium )
It has minimum 100Hz tuning step and there is no PC interface.
Only there seem to be 6 i/o connections at the 16pin AMP to control the CPU.
But the function for these Data lines i/o are not known to me.
Possible some ham somewhere has ever used these control lines?
and 1296.500 MHz but here i have a good antenna and front end XVTR with low n.f. RX 0.75 db
B.t.w. the DB. QUERY SHOW ALL UNIQUE does not consider BAND. or frequency range.
1 spots:
Timestamp | Call | MHz | SNR | Drift | Grid | Pwr | Reporter | RGrid | km | az |
2018-02-26 18:52 | OZ7IT | 432.301480 | -24 | 4 | JO65df | 20 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
this is an ICOM allmode rig ( CW FM USB/LSB to be precise since nowadays all mode means al lot more then in the last Milenium )
It has minimum 100Hz tuning step and there is no PC interface.
Only there seem to be 6 i/o connections at the 16pin AMP to control the CPU.
But the function for these Data lines i/o are not known to me.
Possible some ham somewhere has ever used these control lines?
and 1296.500 MHz but here i have a good antenna and front end XVTR with low n.f. RX 0.75 db
19 spots:
Timestamp | Call | MHz | SNR | Drift | Grid | Pwr | Reporter | RGrid | km | az |
2018-02-27 15:40 | PA0O | 1296.501436 | +4 | -1 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 16:32 | PA0O | 1296.501488 | +3 | -4 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 16:32 | PA0O | 1296.501472 | +4 | -4 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 16:24 | OZ7IT | 1296.501517 | -12 | -2 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 16:24 | OZ7IT | 1296.501522 | -7 | 1 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 16:20 | PA0O | 1296.501478 | +7 | 1 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 16:20 | PA0O | 1296.501475 | +11 | 1 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 16:18 | OZ7IT | 1296.501523 | -12 | -4 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 15:50 | PA0O | 1296.501443 | -16 | 4 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 15:40 | PA0O | 1296.501431 | -11 | -4 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 09:38 | OZ7IT | 1296.501480 | -14 | -2 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 15:34 | OZ7IT | 1296.501561 | -16 | 0 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 15:34 | OZ7IT | 1296.501566 | -12 | 1 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 15:32 | PA0O | 1296.501437 | +6 | 3 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 15:32 | PA0O | 1296.501446 | +3 | -3 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 15:12 | PA0O | 1296.501450 | -8 | -4 | JO33hg | 20 | OZ7IT | JO65df | 428 | 57 |
2018-02-27 13:18 | OZ7IT | 1296.501472 | -22 | -2 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 11:54 | OZ7IT | 1296.501504 | -26 | 0 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
2018-02-27 11:36 | OZ7IT | 1296.501458 | -13 | 0 | JO65df | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 428 | 242 |
B.t.w. the DB. QUERY SHOW ALL UNIQUE does not consider BAND. or frequency range.
That means SHOW ALL does not show all,
It fits to my believe that most statements can be reversed.
Only the latest decode of a unique call sign is in the resulting recordset.
The unique decodes of this call sign on other bands are not shown.
Strange that i have not noticed this issue before an omission.
I should post this at the forum but it happened to me again. I lost all typing with one click at the wrong spot.
Last night DP0GVN IB65 Antarctica NeumeyerII base 13835km to south!
Decoded me on 3 bands 160m 80m and 60m .
The propagation path was very good and with power down to 0.5Watts -21dB
still 7dB room.
It fits to my believe that most statements can be reversed.
Only the latest decode of a unique call sign is in the resulting recordset.
The unique decodes of this call sign on other bands are not shown.
Strange that i have not noticed this issue before an omission.
I should post this at the forum but it happened to me again. I lost all typing with one click at the wrong spot.
Last night DP0GVN IB65 Antarctica NeumeyerII base 13835km to south!
Decoded me on 3 bands 160m 80m and 60m .
The propagation path was very good and with power down to 0.5Watts -21dB
still 7dB room.
Timestamp | Call | MHz | SNR | Drift | Grid | Pwr | Reporter | RGrid | km | az |
2018-02-26 17:20 | PA0O | 3.594146 | -17 | 0 | JO33hg | 1 | VK7KPC | QE38ok | 16827 | 82 |
2018-02-25 23:52 | PA0O | 5.366244 | -14 | 0 | JO33hg | 1 | DP0GVN | IB59uh | 13835 | 186 |
2018-02-26 05:22 | KD6RF | 3.594116 | -23 | 0 | EM22le | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 7901 | 38 |
2018-02-26 17:20 | PA0O | 3.594139 | -26 | 0 | JO33hg | 1 | VU3KAZ | MK82tu | 7606 | 97 |
2018-02-26 03:42 | PA0O | 3.594149 | -26 | 0 | JO33hg | 1 | KC9NBV | EM69oe | 6827 | 298 |
Another thing WSPR at 60m that wonders me.
There are 4 different frequencies to consider with 60M WSPR
One of the basic rules that make WSPR and other narrow band weak signal DIGI modes so successful everyone using the same USB dial frequency, but now this rule is dropped.
USB dial : 60m 4 offsets
1: 5.357 kHz all poor WRC2016 restricted HAMS..
2. 5.2872 kHz for ZS South Africa and OZ LA G and ? not under WRC2016 restriction
3. 5.362 kHz in use by ZL and Pacific and within WRC 2016 15kHz section
4 5.3647 kHz where DP0GVN listens..
Since WRC 2016 we have 15kHz and 15W ERP left
PA could use 100kHz and 100W before the WRC2016
Strange is that some nearby countries in W-EU can use 200kHz and way more power.
My wanted feature for WSJT-x would be the option to use sub-frequencies within one band
to step through all offsets.
LOTW most all? VHF/UHF HAM's don't use LOTW
possible using paper log's ;-)
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Most recent QSO record received 2018-02-28 16:12:05Z