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Showing posts from June, 2017

144MHz ES 26 June 2017

Monday 26 June   A remarkable day! Noticed cluster spot's   DL  reporting  TA1D/3  144.300 I switched on the old FT225RD  ( 30W USB 20W CW/FM) antenna  DK7ZB 223  ( 2e 4m / 6m  3e 2m  mini antenna  f.b!) After some time listening  some DL's calling at 144.300 And sudden woow TA1D/3  calling cq  Kadri from KM39BP  West Turkye coast  In and out  i called several times  then signal became stronger S7 and QSO woow  Turkye on 2m  never heard before even not in the golden ES years  of the 90's audio recording TA1D/3 Monday band was very quiet few hams only no big pile Working hams could not be QRV Sorry for the working class this type of special DX occasions always seem to happen outside the weekends.  In the past  the interesting DX at 6m allway happens at working days.  2/7 * 100%  30% would be the week...

IARU 50MHz 17 18 June

Saturday morning new constructed 7ele 9m3 boom V-dipole radiator was placed in the mast at 22m a.g.   Replacing the HF + 5e combi After frustrating experience with JT5DX 14 June 16UTC CW 519 1 hour copied cqcqcq called 100+ times no response Time for another attempt to improve the 6m set-up Band was closed Saturday morning  even quiet at the JT65 276 ! It looked like it's gone be a contest type propagation weekend but.... In afternoon right from start huge activity strong ES signals  all Saturday. Mostly EU  but also  PJ4NX  and PJ7/W9DR Saturday even small pile ups   SP OK UA I S5 9A very short skips  IO80  600km   EI SP OK We where again in the middle of the reflection cloud 203 QSO first day   added only 70 on Sunday Sonday Es signals still strong but hard to find new ones. We just do not have a lot of customers at ES distance from  our QTH East EU could tank G's and DL The E skip from G l...

17 JUNE 2017 BIG ES 144

+++ ATTENTION: 15:30 UTC - HIGH MUF +++ +++    Amazing ES event on June, 16th. Data of more than 2350 QSO already arrived. Please send your logs!    +++                     source  MMMonHF fantastic long opening Starting 9:57   144.311 UR3EE 12:47  last signal heard R3KK  529 CW cqcqc KO90  did not hear me some very strong signals UR3EE 9++                                         UT4UEP  9++  and others over S9 mostly SSB Using the  FT225RD  30W   +  3el    DK7ZB   223 3 bander FT225 digi noise and birdies very sensitive receiver managed to contact 9 Oekraine UR3EE KN88DC  UZ2HZ   KN69RA  hrd UT4UEP  KN49WV UR5VFJ   KN69OA UR5ETN   KN78CL  HRD US0GB  hrd UT7EL    KN7...


I do not know how it happend but i got one log record with empty call sign field This was reported by TQSL when trying to upload my log to LOTW N1MM can not remove a record with empty call field i found out. Deleting that record is normally confirmed by N1MM But the faulty QSO record does not remove. Here 3 PC's  in the network running N1MM  PC3 has IC706  + XVTR  23cm PC2  is running WSJT / WSPR with the K3 or logging N1MM PC1 the fastest Laptop is for contest use All PC's have N1MM  and TQSL /LOTW Deleting a QSO that is logged by an other PC in the network is not allowed that makes sense. To delete that record I filled in a fantasy call DE1LET   and then it can be deleted for real. You would think: So what, let TQSL ignore the empty record,  just update it. That's what i did But  when checking in LOTW  QSO's where missing just after the "empty"field  that happened to be my season best DX of course among ...

7 8 June 2017 huge ES

June 7 2017  super ES propagation  not  favoring  my QTH as usual  JO33HG in the middle  in the eye of the ES  dx happens over my head  17:23Z  144.300 HA8HI CQ ES 59 one time loud  but gone  ms / es  17:32     144.300   YO3FAI  heard several times CQ 70MHz  YO HA OM OH  DL  later 50MHz   KP4 FG    some USA  but here just a few no reply to cq  USA signals far better to HA OK etc  not here Only a few crumbles of the DX  could be copied here possible my 5 ele  is not good enough? Most DX heard only very few QSO ES DX if it  comes it comes in waves signals can be gone a minute later. June 8 evening  short open to West USA 17:47 WA6OSX CM97 -10  R-06  working DL 17:51  N6ML      CM97eq       -13  working  DL The morning very open to JA 50.276 JT65  lot of JA  h...

june VHF UHF SHF contest

Alleen 23cm  meegedaan 22 QSO  na vele uren Veel activiteit in EU in deze grote contest. In Nederland slechts 2 stations op 23 ! Deze contest is blijkbaar onbekend. Zonder ON4KST  is het maken van verbindingen  op 23cm haast uitgesloten. VHF UHF velddag  contesthelaas net 2 dagen te laat na de goede  tropo op 23cm  nu zeer matige propagatie overal in W-EU  veel regen  in Groningen prachtig weer. Opvallend in Nederland doet slechts een enkeling mee aan deze contest Niemand heeft er blijkbaar interesse om verbindingen te maken op 23cm De SG labs 23cm transverters zullen wel voor de heb aangeschaft zijn? In Nederland met wilde regelgeving is het ook moeilijk gemaakt om antennes te plaatsen. Alles moet kunnen maar niets mag. Het signaal van PI4GN  ontbrak nu  op expeditie F4VSG/p  in JN39FL Veel regen daar,  ik hoorde ze zaterdag gelijk redelijk maar ik moest QRT Later op zaterdag avond  De antenne rot...

JT65 opening to JA

6m seemed  dead when  i came at the radio  early  06\\\\\\\utc  but  i saw JA was worked  from JO32  here at first  nada JA Then 07:20  UTC sudden band opened  here too with JE6KEA  -20  first call decoded then a lot JA  signals  JE6HJT     -13 JI4UEN     -11 JA6TEW   -11  JN4MIV    -17 JE6KEA    -13      JH4MGU   -12  JI4UEN    -12  JH4IFF    -10  JH3VJV   -9 JA9AVA     -2  JF2WXS  -18 JA5FJJ      -22 JA3EGE    -21  PM74 JR2WYD   -12       PM84   JN1JFC     -3    QM06    relative few 2-way contacts resulting  because of the fast QSB JT65 is a magic mode  but the slow  exchange cycle of 1 minute kills most QSO's 1 minute cycle  is ...

23cm tropo

Very good tropo over North Sea  direction N-E  last night  in  SW  all beacons normal level   My first  LA  with new 23cm station     since 30 years..  very strong radar sweeps but my new 23cm RX did handle it without problem jo33hg up to s9 tks Jan PA0O   LA3EQ 1296200  jo28xj 2037z 01 Jun LA3EQ   PA0O 1296200  [LoTW] tnx qso....lot of QSB 2032z 01 Jun  tried with    LA4ANA        no copy  too far inland           JO59CU no one else ! heard again  LA1UHG  1296.852 MHz   JO59fb     long time S9  OZ7IGY    1296930             JO55WM   S9+ GB3MHZ    1296830            JO02PB     normal S4 PI7ALK       1296915            JO22IF PI7QHN       ...

JA9IPF 6m JT65

Grumbling can help ..just when I wanted typing:  I can't hear any serious DX here. I see JA9IPF -5! replying for  PE1HXK    the first time  Japan in JT65  on the screen I called CQ  low in the window 800Hz   i saw Henk did not reply to JA9IPF DX exception to JA   JA9IPF and JA9AVA heard in QSO with JT1CS  and faded opening was too short for more  i did not call CQ earlier i lost faith for DX... Normally DX is not reaching JO33hg so if grumbling helps i try again... why can i never ever hear a BY BV3PU  or JT1CS here  like G4FUF can, as long i have been on 6m G4FUF seems to hear and work every DX I can only dream of.  Building a better antenna? I tried several longer beams including the quiet LFA   but it never seems to make much difference The ground wave beacons are weak and stay weak  no matter how much aluminium was up in the mast. And why at  prime rare DX time , "local" gro...


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