After the 28MHz freq drift stabilized a bit i connected my antenna the U3S for its maiden test.
PD0OHW could decode the beacon that eventually is for him as he will use PU7ZWT HI11ln
but still under test and waiting for a new Si5351A pcb . My attempt to replace the Si chip on the defective PCB did not help the Si5351a error still pops up on the U3S display at boot the I2C signals are present and the 3 ports carry RF so the replaced Si chips work but can not communicate with Progrock or U3S
For unknown reason Hans Summers told me the Si5351a is not pre programmed standard.
original stamp Si5351a
replace chips stamp
although it was relative easy to replace this very small device
both PCB still suffer same problem
I was decoded with 300mW at 28MHz
2017-03-11 06:30 PA0O/U 28.126152 +30 -4 JO33hg 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 0 0 2017-03-11 10:52 PA0O/U 28.126160 -12 -3 JO33hg 0.2 PG0DX JO33ce 29 252 2017-03-11 00:10 PA0O/U 28.126135 -19 -2 JO33hg 0.2 PD0OHW JO33lc 29 130 2017-03-11 08:42 PA0O/U 28.126139 -23 -1 JO33hg 0.2 DK7BY JO33sl 65 69 2017-03-11 08:02 PA0O/U 28.126141 -30 -1 JO33hg 0.2 DK0FHW JO43bn 105 71
no multy 50Hz traces as i see here on the monitor receiver
my screen the U3S tx 2 x 2 minutes the 1rst frame is decoded the second makes WSJT-x hanging
WSPR-x can not handle this signal it freezes .
Lot of 50Hz spaced IMD traces
The signal sounds T9 with very weak hum detectable close to the carrier.
I now supply the U3S from a 12V 1.5A sm-adapter the 12V is regulated to 5V for the U3S
and then another 3V3 regulator for the Si5351A unit
Question is where is that 50Hz traces pattern coming from? The sm mode does not use 50Hz.
474.2 kHz report
qtf 070last night Friday the east Beverage had to be removed. West is still there but now moved from WNW to west
12 decodes little improved 2 call heard last night
2017-03-11 04:06 | WD2XSH/17 | 0.475646 | -22 | 0 | FN42pb | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5630 | 49 |
2017-03-11 04:06 | WG2XPJ | 0.475634 | -28 | 0 | FN34lp | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5587 | 50 |
2017-03-10 06:04 | WD2XSH/17 | 0.475645 | -27 | 0 | FN42pb | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5630 | 49 |
2017-03-10 05:52 | WD2XSH/17 | 0.475645 | -31 | 0 | FN42pb | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5630 | 49 |
2017-03-10 04:28 | WD2XSH/17 | 0.475645 | -23 | 0 | FN42pb | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5630 | 49 |
2017-03-10 00:22 | PA0O | 0.475758 | -27 | 0 | JO33hg | 0.2 | SV8RV/1 | KM07ks | 2042 | 142 |
2017-03-10 01:22 | PA0O | 0.475758 | -28 | 0 | JO33hg | 0.2 | SV8RV/1 | KM07ks | 2042 | 142 |
2017-03-10 02:22 | PA0O | 0.475758 | -27 | 0 | JO33hg | 0.2 | SV8RV/1 | KM07ks | 2042 | 142 |
2017-03-10 02:22 | PA0O | 0.475757 | -30 | 0 | JO33hg | 0.2 | EA7HPM | IM67xj | 2017 | 214 |
2017-03-10 03:20 | PA0O | 0.475757 | -28 | 0 | JO33hg | 0.2 | EA7HPM | IM67xj | 2017 | 214 |
2017-03-10 01:10 | EA5DOM | 0.475610 | -18 | 0 | IM98xn | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 1713 | 15 |
propagation still gone here no TA decodes seen
My Tuner loading transformer improved to 4:1
resulting making it closer to 50 Ohm input.
Using the IRL540 now the relative antenna current reached the 80%
Sudden my last IRF540Z was smoked having over 100W DC input at 23V 4.5A
the IRF stayed cool the TX air estimate 10W lost
I just changed the loading transformer to bring the impedance lower
400V tt at the output indicated that the impedance was way over 100Ohm
It looked much better and healthier but no..
sinus = QTX out 50V/div pulse = drain pulse 50V/d
80% # 100W rf still the same prototype on the desk
the loading transformer with home made sort of litze
changed to 4: 1 8w 4w it was 17:5wdg ( here showing 9 3wdg)
lowering the input voltage to about 80V at 80W rF
Had to use the IRL540 The better IRF540Z was lost
okay i know this is small power at 474.2 I could not reach EA8 with it until now
WSPR last 24 hours distance ascending
2017-03-08 19:02 | PA0O | 3.594025 | -24 | 0 | JO33hg | 10 | VK7DIK | QE38cu | 16733 | 82 |
2017-03-08 19:02 | PA0O | 3.594015 | -19 | 0 | JO33hg | 10 | VK6XT | OF86td | 14304 | 97 |
2017-03-07 21:16 | VK6XT | 3.594006 | -16 | 0 | OF86td | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14304 | 314 |
2017-03-07 22:42 | VK6XT | 3.594007 | -25 | 0 | OF86td | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14304 | 314 |
2017-03-08 18:22 | PA0O | 3.594015 | -21 | 0 | JO33hg | 10 | VK6XT | OF86td | 14304 | 97 |
2017-03-08 20:30 | VK6XT | 3.594006 | -22 | 0 | OF86td | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14304 | 314 |
2017-03-08 19:02 | PA0O | 3.594019 | -21 | 0 | JO33hg | 10 | VK6FR | OF78ve | 14023 | 97 |
2017-03-07 20:42 | VK6FR | 3.594039 | -19 | 0 | OF78ve | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14023 | 316 |
2017-03-07 21:02 | VK6FR | 3.594039 | -23 | 0 | OF78ve | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14023 | 316 |
2017-03-07 21:22 | VK6FR | 3.594039 | -22 | 0 | OF78ve | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14023 | 316 |
2017-03-07 21:10 | VK6FR | 3.594039 | -20 | -1 | OF78ve | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 14023 | 316 |
2017-03-08 05:22 | QA8TCL | 0.475717 | -32 | 0 | NH08 | 0.002 | PA0O | JO33hg | 10019 | 325 |
2017-03-07 22:04 | ZS1OA | 5.288663 | -24 | 0 | JF95fx | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 9774 | 353 |
2017-03-07 21:38 | ZS6SRL | 5.288685 | -25 | 0 | KG33wv | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 9062 | 347 |
2017-03-08 03:48 | ZS6SRL | 5.288689 | -23 | 0 | KG33wv | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 9062 | 347 |
2017-03-08 05:54 | KD6RF | 3.594117 | -9 | 0 | EM22lc | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 7909 | 38 |
2017-03-08 05:10 | KD6RF | 3.594117 | -17 | 0 | EM22lc | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 7909 | 38 |
2017-03-08 05:22 | NQ6N | 3.594160 | -21 | 0 | EN51wr | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6697 | 43 |
2017-03-08 05:22 | KD7YZ | 3.594178 | -26 | 0 | EM88ll | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6661 | 44 |
2017-03-08 01:50 | N8AYY | 3.594048 | -14 | 0 | EN72wd | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6434 | 45 |
2017-03-08 04:50 | N8AYY | 3.594048 | -16 | 0 | EN72wd | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6434 | 45 |
2017-03-08 03:50 | N8AYY | 3.594048 | -19 | 0 | EN72wd | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6434 | 45 |
2017-03-08 05:52 | N8AYY | 3.594048 | -4 | 0 | EN72wd | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6434 | 45 |
2017-03-08 00:10 | N8AYY | 3.594048 | -18 | 0 | EN72wd | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6434 | 45 |
2017-03-08 05:30 | K3RWR | 3.594144 | -9 | 0 | FM18qi | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6279 | 45 |
2017-03-08 05:40 | K3RWR | 1.838144 | -23 | -1 | FM18qi | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6279 | 45 |
2017-03-08 00:02 | K3RWR | 3.594144 | -14 | 0 | FM18qi | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6279 | 45 |
2017-03-08 02:02 | K3RWR | 3.594144 | -11 | 0 | FM18qi | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6279 | 45 |
2017-03-08 03:02 | K3RWR | 3.594144 | -12 | 0 | FM18qi | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6279 | 45 |
2017-03-08 05:22 | WB3AVN | 3.594035 | -8 | 0 | FM19og | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6218 | 46 |
2017-03-08 06:22 | WB3AVN | 3.594035 | -12 | 1 | FM19og | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6218 | 46 |
2017-03-08 04:50 | WB3AVN | 3.594035 | -9 | 0 | FM19og | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6218 | 46 |
2017-03-08 04:10 | WB3AVN | 3.594034 | -8 | 0 | FM19og | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6218 | 46 |
2017-03-08 05:02 | WB3AVN | 3.594035 | -29 | -1 | FM19og | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6218 | 46 |
2017-03-08 05:30 | WB3AVN | 3.594034 | -10 | 1 | FM19og | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6218 | 46 |
2017-03-07 23:10 | AA3GZ | 3.594161 | -22 | -1 | FN20kh | 100 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6035 | 47 |
2017-03-07 23:46 | AA3GZ | 1.838156 | -21 | 0 | FN20kh | 100 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6035 | 47 |
2017-03-07 23:30 | AA3GZ | 3.594162 | -6 | 0 | FN20kh | 100 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6035 | 47 |
2017-03-07 23:36 | AA3GZ | 3.594161 | -20 | 0 | FN20kh | 100 | PA0O | JO33hg | 6035 | 47 |
2017-03-08 01:56 | KK1D | 3.594041 | -12 | 0 | FN31vi | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5776 | 48 |
2017-03-08 04:42 | KK1D | 3.594040 | -15 | 0 | FN31vi | 1 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5776 | 48 |
2017-03-08 05:36 | WA9WTK | 3.594063 | -16 | 0 | FN42fk | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5654 | 49 |
2017-03-08 05:54 | WA9WTK | 3.594063 | -15 | 0 | FN42fk | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5654 | 49 |
2017-03-08 03:30 | W1XP | 3.594074 | -6 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 | 49 |
2017-03-08 04:42 | W1XP | 3.594074 | -7 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 | 49 |
2017-03-08 05:22 | W1XP | 3.594074 | -4 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 | 49 |
2017-03-08 03:56 | W1XP | 3.594074 | -22 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 | 49 |
2017-03-08 02:56 | W1XP | 3.594074 | -9 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 | 49 |
2017-03-08 06:16 | W1XP | 3.594074 | -10 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 | 49 |
2017-03-07 23:16 | W1XP | 3.594073 | -27 | 0 | FN42fo | 5 | PA0O | JO33hg | 5642 |