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last day of 2017 50MHz

50MHz FT8 28 December

LOTW Sorted by QSO Date (0.018764 seconds elapsed) Next   Call sign Worked Date/Time Band Mode Freq QSL Details PA0O K5CD 2017-12-29 01:08:15 80M FT8 3.57355   Details PA0O UN7DAT 2017-12-29 01:01:00 60M FT8 5.35762   Details PA0O MM0HVU 2017-12-28 08:07:45 80M FT8 3.57346 SCOTLAND Details PA0O PZ5RA 2017-12-28 07:33:30 160M FT8 1.84056   Details PA0O 3D2TS 2017-12-28 07:13:00 30M FT8 10.13769 FIJI ISLANDS Details PA0O K9SE 2017-12-28 06:36:15 160M FT8 1.84060 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Details PA0O XE1TD 2017-12-28 06:19:00 160M FT8 1.84060 MEXICO Details PA0O WA3HQK 2017-12-28 06:00:45 160M FT8 1.84058   Details PA0O K9SE 2017-12-28 05:49:45 160M FT8 1.84058 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Details PA0O HK3W 2017-12-28 05:17:30 80M FT8 3.57544 COLOMBIA Details PA0O K5SUL 2017-12-28 00:34:00 60M FT8 5.35833   Details PA0O WA8QYJ 2017-12-28 00:31:00 60M FT8 5.35833 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Details PA0O K8SIX 2017-12-27 23:39:45 60M FT8 5.35...

60m C93PA merry DX-MAS

PA5X  Johannes C93PA Mozambique  op 60m in FT8 mode  met grote pile up strong  0  to -4
  21/28 MHz back to 1 element dipole. Only receiving wind lately

wspr challenge

The Beverages bring me in the WSPT Challenge top 10  for 160 and 80 But not even in 600m  list no matter how often and "strong" WA4SZE and AA1A  are received. Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2017-12-24 04:28   W4BCX   0.475686   -28   0   EL98pd   5   PA0O   JO33hg   7368   41   2017-12-24 02:50   WA4SZE   0.475653   -31   0   EM65   0.2   PA0O   JO33hg   7147   41   2017-12-24 03:58   AA1A   0.475687   -22   0   FN42pb   5   PA0O   JO33hg   5630   49 Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2017-12-24 00:20   W9MJW   1.838122   -17   0 ...

TS472 microphone preamp versus MAX9812

MAX9814  seems the best choice  it has AGC and jumpers for gain setting to max 60dB  will test this one to when arrived.  Received this low noise ST TS472  pre-amp  Diymore from eBay. Main while the 3 transistor pre-amp with AVR earlier down in the blog works fine. This TS472 IC is special designed for microphones  electret or magnetic and i was curious to find out how such integrated device performs. With the magnetic  200 OHm Peiker element the signal is fine although not as sensitive as with an electret element. The maximum un-clipped output is about 2Vtt. It did not match the low impedance mike input of the Condor as it is at first test. Minimum drive load is 10k.  An emitter or source driver is needed behind the TS472 and  low impedance tranceivers like the Condor.  No documentation is supplied with it but the PCB looks similar to the  ST  demo board TS472 PCB  well designed.   ...

80M DX

matige propagatie maar toch FT8 VP8LP Britse kolonie en TasmaniĆ« WSPR HAMLOG.EU                                                                   HAMLOG.EU No. Date  UTC Band Callsign QTH Operator Mode RSTs 1. 2017-12-18 00:11 80 m  VP8LP FT8 -15 2. 2017-12-17 18:14 80 m  VK7DIK - Ulverstone,Tasmania [ Australia ] Dick WSPR -18 3. 2017-12-16 06:39 160 m  IS0GFT FT8 -11 4. 2017-12-16 06:34 160 m  F4HQL FT8 +10 5. 2017-12-16 06:19 160 m  XE1H FT8 -16 6. 2017-12-16 00:19 80 m  PZ5RA FT8 -17 7. 2017-12-15 08:14 80 m  KG6MC FT8 -15 8. 2017-12-14 20:40 80 m  JJ3PRT FT8 -18 9. 2017-12-14 07:21 160 m  NO3M FT8 -03 10. 2017-12-14 06:49 160 m  K3RA FT8 -13 11. 2017-12-14 06:37 160 m  N2WK FT8 -11 12. 2017-12-14 06:2...

wspr MW 474.2kHz

after removing about 50%!  bogus decodes of 100 this list of unique decodes  last 12hour remains   2017-12-17 06:36  K9FD  0.475618  -26  0  BL11je  1  ZF1EJ  EK99ig  7842  76  2017-12-17 06:52  K9FD  0.475617  -23  0  BL11je  1  W3LPL  FM19lg  7716  55  2017-12-17 06:36  K9FD  0.475617  -32  0  BL11je  1  W4VU  FM06fb  7567  58   2017-12-17 06:36  K9FD  0.475620  -33  0  BL11je  1  WA3TTS  EN90xn  7439  54  2017-12-17 07:08  K9FD  0.475616  -25  0  BL11je  1  NO3M  EN91wr  7413  52  2017-12-17 07:08  K9FD  0.475619  -29  0  BL11je  1  K4LY  EM85wb  7357  60  2017-12-17 06:34  K4SV  0.475601  -32  -1  EM85wf ...


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