CQWW means high activity and rare DX .
We have to get use to lousy bands after being spoiled in the past years.
After few hours in this band conditions I choose to swap to high power.
Time-on about 24h all together mostly nighttime.
10m like VHF in a meteor shower.
160m scarce weak DX signals surprised to hear TZ5AM in QSO
Trouble with N1MM classic unusual annoying hangup's
That frustrated some QSO's.
Think it was network related.
Network mode is unchecked still it tried to find network partners.
I got same timeout when modifying network settings.
Now deleted network name list hope it is fixed.
I use N1MM classic again
N1MM+ crashes here.
to repair N1MM+ i had to follow the procedure below i write it here as mnemonic
This procedure solved my N1MM+ problem:
1- backup the user file map and delete the map itself.
2- Full install and set user files to C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+
3- To get last data back convert actual N1MM clasic ham.mdb to a new N1MM+ pa0o.s3db
4- update to the latest + ( dotnet...) version
5- copy the original C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+ sub directories back
6- digimode copy MMTTY map to + map setup digimode soundcard
point to MMTTY.EXE
check in setup rt-click = return not menu to use mouse for rtty contacts
import the MTTY keys press cq / f1 the speaker should give rtty / bpsk tone out
7- check enter sets mode for N1MM work as CT
8- CAT setings to K3 38400b/s com4
check CW DTR =keyer RTS = T/R
9 possible setting from classic that i forgot
Some struggle I had trying to fix it but did not work well:
The user file location was C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+
chosen during install i believe
i tried full install to use that old location but it did not work
I copied my N1MM HAM.MDB including the latest CQWWCW and DX general
and converted this to a new pa0o.s3db type
no crash report this time... so far things look better.
try to see if the overflow problems are solved
re-scoring the general log 15168 12 changed lasted over 5 minute's
it works but + was keeping the user files under C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\
my old setting maps are in C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+
N1MM classic is easier all files are located under \N1MM
N1MM+ wants the user files somewhere else
There is no configuration setting for changing this location once it is set.
Only full install let you choose your user file location.
One more time i did the full install set the user location to my old
Documents\N1MM Logger+ but then the overflow error was back... crazy
copying the settings that worked to this location and N1MM+ hanged in start screen.
The error that prevented me to use N1MM+ :
N1MM+ crashed saying it needs upgrade
This stupid error popup loop flaw still exists
and prevents me to do anything else then pressing ok
The popup tells me to upgrade again and again
like the cooky monster.
After installing and starting the latest version the program hangs in a loop
of huge error message screens as before N1MM+ will not work here.
stack overflow crashes the program.
N1MM+ did work once okay but could not use longer time.
when opening or re-scoring my big general DX log the overflow error occured.
But later even starting a new log eded in error popup's.
So I went back to the latest classic version.
We have to get use to lousy bands after being spoiled in the past years.
After few hours in this band conditions I choose to swap to high power.
Time-on about 24h all together mostly nighttime.
10m like VHF in a meteor shower.
160m scarce weak DX signals surprised to hear TZ5AM in QSO
Trouble with N1MM classic unusual annoying hangup's
That frustrated some QSO's.
Think it was network related.
Network mode is unchecked still it tried to find network partners.
I got same timeout when modifying network settings.
Now deleted network name list hope it is fixed.
I use N1MM classic again
N1MM+ crashes here.
to repair N1MM+ i had to follow the procedure below i write it here as mnemonic
This procedure solved my N1MM+ problem:
1- backup the user file map and delete the map itself.
2- Full install and set user files to C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+
3- To get last data back convert actual N1MM clasic ham.mdb to a new N1MM+ pa0o.s3db
4- update to the latest + ( dotnet...) version
5- copy the original C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+ sub directories back
6- digimode copy MMTTY map to + map setup digimode soundcard
point to MMTTY.EXE
check in setup rt-click = return not menu to use mouse for rtty contacts
import the MTTY keys press cq / f1 the speaker should give rtty / bpsk tone out
7- check enter sets mode for N1MM work as CT
8- CAT setings to K3 38400b/s com4
check CW DTR =keyer RTS = T/R
9 possible setting from classic that i forgot
10 The error pop-up loop flaw still will be there
but it will not be problem as long as there are no errors..
the N1MM needs the task manager to shut off if it is going in the pop-up press ok loop.
This flaw has been in N1MM all previous versions.
there seems no way to move the N1MM team to change its mind not to use
the VB err msg verbose popupbox
Some struggle I had trying to fix it but did not work well:
The user file location was C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+
chosen during install i believe
i tried full install to use that old location but it did not work
I copied my N1MM HAM.MDB including the latest CQWWCW and DX general
and converted this to a new pa0o.s3db type
no crash report this time... so far things look better.
try to see if the overflow problems are solved
re-scoring the general log 15168 12 changed lasted over 5 minute's
it works but + was keeping the user files under C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\
my old setting maps are in C:\Users\Jaap\Documents\N1MM Logger+
N1MM classic is easier all files are located under \N1MM
N1MM+ wants the user files somewhere else
There is no configuration setting for changing this location once it is set.
Only full install let you choose your user file location.
One more time i did the full install set the user location to my old
Documents\N1MM Logger+ but then the overflow error was back... crazy
copying the settings that worked to this location and N1MM+ hanged in start screen.
The error that prevented me to use N1MM+ :
N1MM+ crashed saying it needs upgrade
This stupid error popup loop flaw still exists
and prevents me to do anything else then pressing ok
The popup tells me to upgrade again and again
like the cooky monster.
After installing and starting the latest version the program hangs in a loop
of huge error message screens as before N1MM+ will not work here.
stack overflow crashes the program.
N1MM+ did work once okay but could not use longer time.
when opening or re-scoring my big general DX log the overflow error occured.
But later even starting a new log eded in error popup's.
So I went back to the latest classic version.
er kwam zo weinig retour met de kale set
de PA maakt een groot verschil toch wel
vooral in de pile
vooral 80m ging goed
die 3band dipool werkt echt heel aardig
10m was heel stil
wspr is hier al weken zonder dx
maar PG0DX heeft nog steeds VK2KRR op 10m zelfs vandaag
met zijn long beam hoort hij 100% meer dan ik met de dipool
en die deed het toch altijd zo goed....
dacht ik..
N1MM de echte test is de contest zelf dat bleek wel
ik heb inmiddels N1MM+ weer aan de draai gekregen
de eerste N1MM+ versie's kon ik gewoon installeren en werkten prima
maar ineens was het over en kreeg ik pagina's met error meldingen
en dat gebeurde steeds als de score reporter een update maakte dus elke 5 min
nieuw install full install het hielp niet
maar de install en delete user directory opnieuw install en het werk weer