Have been testing the ADF4351 demo board some time now
But the signal from the PLL is very IMD distorted and unstable
Useless sofar ...
Arduino Uno controling ADF4351A F1CJN sketch
QRPLABS Progrock / SI5351 and GPS QLG1 receiver
all locked
the Progrock output 10MHz ttl level signal matches the ADF REF input good
output 1296.200 T9 + huge IMD hum about 400Hz?
the signal is locked with 10MHz GPS DO
but it does not sound stable at all
tuning with a 23cm receiver there is a huge AM tone IMD around the carrier
When locking to the ADF onboard 10MHz X-tal oscillator ref
this AM tone IMD is much weaker but still not clean
still searching for a solution that makes the ADF4351A output clean to be useful as LO generator
The Progrock output is more clean but also showing irregularities absolute not Xtal T9
It can not be used to replace the 23cm l.o. 96MHz Xtal
this experiment seems to end here
to make a GPSDO 96MHz LO for the 23cm have to find a better solution
video clip + sound 94MB https://we.tl/zSyHc2yW3w
broad spectrum output