Start in the early Saturday morning very short night after a party the Friday night before.
Soon I had to change the logging PC for a faster one. Unworkable delays in T/R tx-ing and tx hanging for seconds forced me to stop.
I transferred to a Lenovo W510 and N1MM+ since then flawless CW without the annoying delays.
I had used this "slow Dell D420 low power Laptop long time in PACC and other contests without much problems.
I transfered my rotary 40-10m dipole into a 4ele yagy for 10 and 15m and the 1 ele for 40 and 20m
This is a Japanese Hidaka Denky VS-2440 multy band Yagi/Una
My plan was to use a bit more antenna in the CQWW CW
Last weeks we had terrible weather wind and rain. Only Thursday was a break.
In the night at full moon no wind it was a challenge to do the antenna work using a head light.
I had romoved the 4 and 6m beams. in 4 hours time it was ready to test but it was already 1 in the morning and next day I had to be at QRL.
Matching was good. Directional seemed okay getting more noise from direction of the city at 6 km.
I left WSPR on next morning hoping for super result... but no decodes of VK2KRR in the morning
28MHz greyline peak whilst neighboring PD0OHW had a Leigh VK2KRR decode
Another confirmation to me that the effect of Yagi antenna's are overvalued propagation /location is 99% of the result.
I could use it Saturday morning at Sunrise when 15 and 10 should go open.
But high bands where marginal just a few USA at prime time in the afternoon.
Weak signals at 10m from Asia and N-America.
Then the weather forecast came with severe storm warnings starting Saturday night and lasting whole weekend... How convenient...
I decided to take the 3 elements down again to work with the dipole as before..
Another 3 hours of operating missed.
Already in strong wind i tilted the mast up again.
Then the 80m vertical antenna was broken struck in the trees....
Fortunately I just had an 80m inverted V dipole as spare
I found the dipole much better in the short range to about 2000km Already notice big difference in signal strength from almost unreadable to S7 for short ranges.
Still I thought that the vertical should be better for DX.
But now i doubt that very much.
Only if the vertical has a perfect ground plane and no obstacles nearby that will be true.
But my vertical was in parallel at about 4m from the metal mast, it works but "everything works"
The vertical was noisy low efficient compared to the simple inverted V dipole.
So it can be removed that was learned in the battlefield of the CQWW-CW..
What more did I learn the hard way in the CQWW-CW
The ropes of the inverted L and the dipole needed replacement ..
I lost both wire antenna's in a fierce storm Sunday evening..
And the Hidaka Denky is rated for 2000W PEP could not eat the power of the ACOM1000
Sudden the SWR went sky-high in a heavy storm wind.
I should have been easy to reach the 2 million points
But I was complete out of business at 18UTC the end at 2180 QSO
Anyway this is my highest single operator score so far.
I had to rest a bit anyway when I got serious problems to take call signs after 1900 QSO had to take a break and searched for some multy's since the Sunday aftenoon was dead tide here I was running endless CQ without response at all bands that is tiring more than a nice pile..
Lost time int he crazy pile of 3B9HA Rodrigues Island at 15m. Why did he send his call everytime in such pile??
Could work CE0/R4WAA Easter Island zone 12 much easier
XE2X at 160m was a nice one
And lots of rare lonely planet locations activated in this major contest.
Missed zone's 1 32 37
Real nice USA run at 15m a pleasure to work W's VE's disciplined and FB signals including
a lot west coast.
I hope to get the 40/20m traps replaced or repaired since this type rotating 40-10m is a killer contest antenna not much turning UA and W same
However the latest N1MM + in general logging gives overflow errors the general log is too big
And it is complicated to merge logs in N1MM+ the clasic can merge ADIF to already existing logs
As lonbg as the logs are of same contest types. It justs skips the double entries.
But I was not able to import a single Adif qso record. It just ends in error about having the same time stamps although the imported adif contains only a single new contact.
I have reported the error to - Version 1.0.5334.0
Built: 12/1/2015 7:16:34 PM
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1,64:1,nl-NL,nl-NL
Error occurred at: 12/1/2015 8:26:43 PM in Thread:
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------
System.OverflowException: De rekenkundige bewerking heeft geresulteerd in een overloop.
at N1MMLogger.Net.CDx. ComputeScore(Int32& PointTotal, Int32& Mult1Count, Int32& mult2Count, Int32& Mult3Count) in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Contest Classes\CDx.vb:line 409
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreRow.Total( ) in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Classes\ScoreRow. vb:line 50
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreRow. ScoreString() in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Classes\ScoreRow. vb:line 42
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreRow. Description() in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Classes\ScoreRow. vb:line 37
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreClass. Description() in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Classes\Score.vb: line 126
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreSummary. UpdateScore() in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Forms\ScoreSummary. vb:line 119
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreSummary. UpdateScoreThreadSafe() in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Forms\ScoreSummary. vb:line 107
at N1MMLogger.Net.ScoreSummary. RefreshScoreSummary() in C:\N1MM+Source\N1MM Logger on .NET\N1MM Logger.Net\Forms\ScoreSummary. vb:line 167