No free spots to find on the bands 14MHz is crowded except around 14230
But that is the TV channel! 24x7 TV don't you dare to start a cq on top of the continuous digi TV transmissions!
Had to move above 29MHz to find a more or less clear freq.
east / south east EU always S units stronger
Propagation did not favor NW-EU as usual.
HG3M reporting 59005 5Watts ! having run on 40m
a joke I believe 5 is 5K or are they using the old shortwave BC stations?
running 50kW or so?
So watch if this HG3M is entering the QRP class it is 100% cheating
SSB is not my thing but for the ARRL I make an exception
And phone does not have the RBN spots so it is way more difficult to find new multy's in the very very crowded bands
Bad timing to have an Aurora disturbance at Friday evening just before the start.
Still 28 was good open including CA AZ and had some modest runs.
US1I 7129kHz tonight
He gave 599 010 that means 10W how can we ever compete ?
Nobody tonight answered my CQ at 40m when running 400W
or is it 10kW? then I understand a bit more
Auroral disturbed propagation
Calling QRP CQ phone in a very crowded noisy band in a contest running 10Watt and having actual USA answering almost to weak to copy while they are running full legal power or at least a decent PA my guess.
It is all hard to believe for an honest ham.
It is like ice skating in the old days against DDR sporters they use EPO
and we have peanut butter only.
With this type of propagation I can only work the mega contest stations
running stacked yagi's at 40m running a CQ is useless
Only at 28 i had some runs
I am not equipped for this type of phone contests
The Mediterranean area does not seem to suffer under geo magnetic disturbance I heard 9A running 10Q / minute at 40m
But this Sunday morning 28M seems fully recovered direction VK ZL JA a lot of
WSPR reports I hope for good signals this afternoon/ evening
But that is the TV channel! 24x7 TV don't you dare to start a cq on top of the continuous digi TV transmissions!
Had to move above 29MHz to find a more or less clear freq.
east / south east EU always S units stronger
Propagation did not favor NW-EU as usual.
HG3M reporting 59005 5Watts ! having run on 40m
a joke I believe 5 is 5K or are they using the old shortwave BC stations?
running 50kW or so?
So watch if this HG3M is entering the QRP class it is 100% cheating
SSB is not my thing but for the ARRL I make an exception
And phone does not have the RBN spots so it is way more difficult to find new multy's in the very very crowded bands
Bad timing to have an Aurora disturbance at Friday evening just before the start.
Still 28 was good open including CA AZ and had some modest runs.
US1I 7129kHz tonight
He gave 599 010 that means 10W how can we ever compete ?
Nobody tonight answered my CQ at 40m when running 400W
or is it 10kW? then I understand a bit more
Auroral disturbed propagation
Calling QRP CQ phone in a very crowded noisy band in a contest running 10Watt and having actual USA answering almost to weak to copy while they are running full legal power or at least a decent PA my guess.
It is all hard to believe for an honest ham.
It is like ice skating in the old days against DDR sporters they use EPO
and we have peanut butter only.
With this type of propagation I can only work the mega contest stations
running stacked yagi's at 40m running a CQ is useless
Only at 28 i had some runs
I am not equipped for this type of phone contests
- ERP ERP ERP and more ERP that's what matters
The Mediterranean area does not seem to suffer under geo magnetic disturbance I heard 9A running 10Q / minute at 40m
But this Sunday morning 28M seems fully recovered direction VK ZL JA a lot of
WSPR reports I hope for good signals this afternoon/ evening