This weekend SO2C
Single operator 2 contest mode
We had our 1/2 day of spring Sunday, it is back to storm and grey sky now.
JIDXCW best JA signals at 28MHz good propagation
no contacts 80 160
5x the score against 2012
Hi power not real "needed" but already used my PA for some weak signals at the beginning not expecting that good signals I was trapped in hi-power mode.
5W0M very weak 14.002kHz arctic flutter
just could copy Q5 the id.
But only 1 call needed not many takers fb hearing there.
The path to Western Samoa is direct over the North pole.
Very difficult path in this part of Europe.
Until now heard/worked 5W0M only on 30m with reasonable signal. Never a trace of signal while they are worked at 28 in the south.
We have been in propagation black hole since December 2012 here
While South Europe is having a ball on 50MHz we are in the perma noise fields.
Or what the Germans say: NDR Nord Deutsches Rauschen
This week monitored 630m band I need to have the tuningbox outside at the base of the inverted L antenna.
Tuning improves the signals with about 12dB.
No transatlantic signals anymore.
But very deep decodes on G4KPX 4x -32 4x -33dB
This low frequency gets the most out of WSPR.
2 days unique decodes:
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az
2013-04-13 20:40 I5MXX 0.475629 -26 0 JN53ju 2 PA0O JO33hg 1091 345
2013-04-13 15:46 G8HUH 0.475641 -14 0 IO81mg 1 PA0O JO33hg 688 67
2013-04-13 16:06 M0PPP 0.475766 -22 2 IO93gm 50 PA0O JO33hg 536 90
2013-04-13 21:04 DK6NI 0.475726 -13 0 JN59ln 0.1 PA0O JO33hg 510 326
2013-04-13 19:18 M1GEO 0.475664 -25 0 JO01cn 0.01 PA0O JO33hg 475 64
2013-04-12 20:54 DK7FC 0.475685 -21 0 JN49ik 1 PA0O JO33hg 450 342
2013-04-13 16:06 G4KPX 0.475617 -31 0 JO02dj 0.001PA0O JO33hg 436 75
2013-04-13 15:28 G6GJT 0.475711 -22 0 JO01ri 0.01 PA0O JO33hg 411 57
2013-04-14 15:50 DF2LS 0.475729 -19 0 JO53dr 0.2 PA0O JO33hg 248 260
2013-04-13 15:40 DF2FF 0.475768 -26 0 JO44th 1 PA0O JO33hg 229 241
2013-04-12 22:14 PA3ABK 0.475740 -19 0 JO21it 0.5 PA0O JO33hg 208 38
2013-04-13 06:20 DL4YHF 0.475638 -15 0 JO42fd 0.5 PA0O JO33hg 176 316
2013-04-13 15:56 DF0WD 0.475643 0 0 JO42fd 0.5 PA0O JO33hg 176 316
2013-04-13 13:24 PA0A 0.475700 +9 0 JO33de 2 PA0O JO33hg 24 67