160 easy just few calls on this band
The other bands is a different story in addition to the fact that it is an easy path from EU.
The problem is the crazy pileups and wide uplinks.
To get the 599tu you have to stand in line and undergo the "EU treatment" of anti HAM spirit.
Finding the actual QSX frequency is not easy when every one just keeps calling no matter if the DX is allready in QSO or calling specific someone. In other words no intelligence can be found in the pile most of the time.
If they just would join the LZDX a "QSO" would be a matter of minutes?
So I did not really try to get trough the barricades.
20121115 2334 1825.4 CW PA0O 599 PT0S 599
20121116 1759 7001.0 CW PA0O 599 V84SMD 599
20121116 1913 1826.0 CW PA0O 599 V84SMD 599
20121116 1921 1826.0 CW PA0O 599 V84SMD 599
very strong but QRN local there
receiving 630m MW band in JO33hg dial USB 474.2kHz
160 easy just few calls on this band
The other bands is a different story in addition to the fact that it is an easy path from EU.
The problem is the crazy pileups and wide uplinks.
To get the 599tu you have to stand in line and undergo the "EU treatment" of anti HAM spirit.
Finding the actual QSX frequency is not easy when every one just keeps calling no matter if the DX is allready in QSO or calling specific someone. In other words no intelligence can be found in the pile most of the time.
If they just would join the LZDX a "QSO" would be a matter of minutes?
So I did not really try to get trough the barricades.
20121115 2334 1825.4 CW PA0O 599 PT0S 599
20121116 1759 7001.0 CW PA0O 599 V84SMD 599
20121116 1913 1826.0 CW PA0O 599 V84SMD 599
20121116 1921 1826.0 CW PA0O 599 V84SMD 599
very strong but QRN local there
receiving 630m MW band in JO33hg dial USB 474.2kHz