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Showing posts from May, 2012

Rondje Fluessen

Fluessen 2012 heftig en koud  perfect zeilevenement Nu in Egypte  max 40C ... Pas vanavond een antenne op het balcon maar niets! te horen  klopt iets niet zelfs 40m geen signalen

BAOFENG UV5R received

Ordered 30April  received 11/5 yesterday  morning form Hongkong A Package with 2 boxes  containing  the UV5R  Handheld UHF/VHF  transceiver. All was correct there was a green custom sticker marked with "Toys" I was lucky not charged by the customs. The UV5R + extra battery + leather case +magnet car antenna+ programming cable+ SMA-BNC    complete + shipping  it was just below 100ā‚¬ But not much time to play with it since Friday afternoon was preparing for the Rondje Fluessen Catamaran race. Cool heavy wind  to 6BF. waves  cold water. But we survived. No damage finished place 12 of 20 cats We did not sail the 2nd leg because of too low temperature.     mean time  I let WSPR running  at 70.091MHz   160/80/10m the WSPR DX index for 28MHz was zero  not a single DX report but VK7AB did report  some DL's 300km south ...


PA0O has worked 7O6T on 9 out of 19 band slots Propagation  suggestions for 7O6T from  NETHERLANDS  or from CQ zone  14  or show on  Geo Propagation Map Leaderboard  stations in CQ zone  14  or  NETHERLANDS  or in  EU 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m 80m 160m PH                   CW                   RTTY                   Your search has been made possible thanks to a  donation  made by  G4RKO Barry Cooper.

7O6T 30M and AURORA=good low band DX?

Took some days before it was in the online log and  I  thought to have worked a slim because of chaos by lids. Smart operating of the 7O6T team t hey moved a bit around their QRG to avoid jammers. Nice trick you have to tune around to find them back and make a sneaky QSO. I was noticed first by a cluster spot must admit. But do not spot them to brag  saying thanks  that will only help the jammers. That is a drawback of the Reverse beacons they spot the new QRG direct after QSY. 20120506 2203  10104,4 CW   PA0O         599  7O6T            599                   Tonight again  7004kHz good copy and the same trick moving off the jammers  it was my last band.  Not easy needed lots of calls.   9 bands complete in CW now for a DX-pedition  at a relative easy distance  it was not easy because of the QRI and the constant ...

7O6T 7004 kHz somewhere down the LIDS

Last night  heard  a station with 7O6T callsign  fb signal strong  but it seems to get worse every year. What is gooing on in HAM radio?  A constant jamming tuning  police  force made communication  impossible.  A festival of LIDS 70MHz  ES  in the evening to EA5EF  500mW   and  EA5/G3GXS IZ8DWF  IW0FFK peaked 59 SV8CS  very weak and briefly heard 25km south of me and in the rest of PA 59 reports heard given... EA was a new DXCC  #16  Opening was not so good in my QTH

grumbling helps..

10m sounds alive again this morning including  the intruder FM sounds. ZL3PX was decoded in OZ DL F  not here  decoded -5 (~S6) VK2EMA and 1W decoded by VK3XPT via longpath rare! 2012-05-05 22:22   VK2KRR   28.126146   -25   0   QF34mr   20   PA0O   JO33hg   16351   316

cycle24 ?

Still few 28MHz VK2 VK3 VK7 decodes last weeks almost daily but  less and less.  No W since a Month or longer. This morning zero VK DX on 28 again. Yesterday only 1 decode of VK2FLR very poor even for WSPR. Will there be some more signs of this solar cycle or was the peak November last year already?   7O6T  strong at 10m  very strong at 30m   but after 500? calls  sometimes  right on QSX  It seemed hopeless. Without the Steppir  it will be very difficult for 12 and 17 but even with a beam it can be tough I heard ZS2DL  calling them this morning and later in afternoon still calling... I managed to get my 599 on 10m now but crazy much calls where needed.  I tried to improvise an antenna for 12 m by just hanging a 6m long wire in parallel to the 30/40m dipole this should be working like the skeleton 3 band VHF beam got match 1:1.8  seems workable.      the match of 30 and 40 remained unchanged. Hangin...

Yemig de pemig 160m strong

Q RN 160m 1824.16     strong signal  later fb copy 7 0.160MHz   heard OH6BA 519 ES  just fading out. 7O6T   28.024   morning good signal  giant pile of course But random QSX style   low QSO rate fast CW. The QSX found several times but he seems to QSY after 1 QSO? 21024 was easy for me just 2 calls  near the QSX freq  But 10m seems to be impossible now.  will try later after they worked most S-Eu's  and call cq with no takers... Would be nice to get  160m  but so-far they have not been there only a slim was worked. Should not be too difficult from here on TB.

Smilde antenna repair

The Smilde Radio/TV  mast is going to rebuild after the fire and collapse last year June. A Swiss team of specialists will rebuild it to 300m height. They use a helicopter to rebuild the mast section by section.  They bring up 1 section in  less then a minute  to the exact position. The heli comes up  taking the mast section on a long line. The line must be long enough to keep the working position safe from the downward airflow.  It looks so easy!  The mast section on a 50m long line does not swing! And comes exact at the right level at the top of the mast. The heli keeps in position like a Hummingbird keeping position like fixed. Afterwards I realised  this is a technical operation of very high level literally.   Propagation  the 160m good times are over  ZL3NW was not heard yesterday SS.    But 7O6T now worked on 80 and 20   stro...

7O6T worked 80m

Good signal on 3504  579 peaking  but huge pile up. I called several times direct on their QSX but not heard. After long persistent calling to my surprise I received the 599. Lots of QRM on 80m of course but the band was empty anyway  guess no one could have a problem with that.  Later 7O6T  very strong on 30m hard to believe it was real. But no QSO


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