Today the first ES signals heard at 70MHz strong FM BC in-band from Belarus?
Worked MS GS3PYE/p IO66 from the rare Island of Mull great set-up. 2minutes the QSO was finished lots of reflections.
No DX this SS ZL3NW was on 1820.6 kHz again but I was busy trying to repair my very old 2M porto.
The Icom IC2E over 30years old now. Has been working years in my car but suddenly silence.
No Rx or Tx only noise audio and Squelch works.
My diagnosis: the TC9122 PLL programmable divider is defective.
To my knowledge this divider must give 5kHz on the output even if there is no frequency lock status . There is input RF but it's output is at fixed high level.
I can not find anything else wrong.
On Ebay I found 1 supplier 4$ + 4$shipping well it's worth a try.
I don't like to dump it I am a bit an old timer not used to dump everything.
But replacing this TC9122 is not easy. The IC2E is produced 30years ago. In that time it was the most compact hand-held the state of the art. 250 Hfl ??
Very well designed. Metal frame that folds open in 2 parts.
And it may be a vintage radio but it takes very low power on standby 18mA. I does not have an CPU and display.
the flex print interconnection was replaced by flatcable when a thumb-wheel was broken long time ago. In that time I needed no glasses to do this type of work..
Now an IC socket to hold the TC9122 from Hongkong hopefully with success ...
Besides this I purchased a modern Chinese HT the Baofeng UV5R at the 409shop in Hongkong.
Complete with extra accu Li-ion programming adapter hand-mike leather case and magnet-car antenna just below 100ā¬
Worked MS GS3PYE/p IO66 from the rare Island of Mull great set-up. 2minutes the QSO was finished lots of reflections.
No DX this SS ZL3NW was on 1820.6 kHz again but I was busy trying to repair my very old 2M porto.
The Icom IC2E over 30years old now. Has been working years in my car but suddenly silence.
No Rx or Tx only noise audio and Squelch works.
My diagnosis: the TC9122 PLL programmable divider is defective.
To my knowledge this divider must give 5kHz on the output even if there is no frequency lock status . There is input RF but it's output is at fixed high level.
I can not find anything else wrong.
On Ebay I found 1 supplier 4$ + 4$shipping well it's worth a try.
I don't like to dump it I am a bit an old timer not used to dump everything.
But replacing this TC9122 is not easy. The IC2E is produced 30years ago. In that time it was the most compact hand-held the state of the art. 250 Hfl ??
Very well designed. Metal frame that folds open in 2 parts.
And it may be a vintage radio but it takes very low power on standby 18mA. I does not have an CPU and display.
the flex print interconnection was replaced by flatcable when a thumb-wheel was broken long time ago. In that time I needed no glasses to do this type of work..
Now an IC socket to hold the TC9122 from Hongkong hopefully with success ...
Besides this I purchased a modern Chinese HT the Baofeng UV5R at the 409shop in Hongkong.
Complete with extra accu Li-ion programming adapter hand-mike leather case and magnet-car antenna just below 100ā¬