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T otal collapse of propagation.   Saturday wh en looking up I could not find the 160m antenna . Inverted -L lay broken on the ground . Very windy conditions but dry during the day and exceptional warm for this time of year +12C. R eplaced the wire so start ed with a brand new Antenna. Found out my K9AY receive antenna gave up working definitive . Just checked the cable seems broken som e where outside . Propagation very poor  it became worse  in the very late hours instead o f getting better. I did not wait for the Sunset grey line that would not happen. Pity that propagation would again not cooperate . 265 QSO mostly EU  1229 points 38xW 9xVE best DX  K0RF  DN70   KV4FZ FK74   FM5CD FK94 heard CE1/K7CA  working USA good copy FG41 as best heard DX No t a single JA heard  no UA0  UN a very few UA9    


LOTW server has been very slow lately I do upload regularly the latest QSO's it is  roughly 20days behind  Al most start to doubt  if and when I did upload  but sure  several times  this month December   Internet here in Zuidwolde   ADSL  over 10km  about 50 year old telephone ground cable   4 wires metal lead   wax paper isolated The speed is 1,5 Mb/s  maxim u m  and minimum 0 kb/s Mostly we are  just above minimum.. We must have the slowest internet in the Netherlands here. 1 km away a farmer is connected to an other cable having 10mb/s or more.           

ZS6EZ and V5/DL3DXX on 160m 2x new

V5/DL3DXX  was very weak copy here   But he returned prompt.  F irst time  I lost him in QSB Could QSO in one of the rare QSB peaks  Di etm ar did receive better on h is end      R eal report  ?  415  519   but everyone give 599 Not copied on my K9AY in any direction  No recording  since it took to long   using the K3 200Hz rooftop filter did not help The best copy was 400Hz  on the TX  i-L   vertical This confirmed   my impression  that the  K9AY  does only help me in  NE NW  directions . And also the experience that when hearing weak CW in USB  2.7kHz. It does not really improv e to switch to narrow CW filter.  I might even lose the signal  when doing that . When I just got my K3  I tried the NR noise reducer with all its many settings but never found the magic combination . I rarely  use it does anyone use ...

4m WSPR enzo

Het is bijna Kerst  de koelkasten nog eens geĆÆnspecteerd. Ik vond nog een blik wild ragout uit een Kerstpakket met uiterste datum 2005 ... Ik ben er dan ook dol op..  toch maar weg  zonde hoor. De Variometer voor 500/474  staat nog op de werkbank moet liefst dit jaar toch nog even werken op 500kHz voordat deze band voor ons verloren gaat.  Jammer 630m 474.2kHz is toch een beetje 2e keus. Ik heb toch nog haast alle landen die actief waren kunnen werken. Zelfs een 2-weg WSPR met WD2XSH/17 met de QRP 100W was mogelijk in 2010 Op 474.2 kHz  geeft DK7FC  de toon aan  en trouwens ook op 137kHz  met 3 decodes in VE en W  vannacht.. Met een 100W Tx   ben je echt QRPP op die banden.  Pas als er een behoorlijke blauwe ionisatie wolk om de antenne hangt kun je een beetje meedoen in dit geweld. Every kW help's a bit.. Vanmiddag even weer op 70MHz geluisterd het werkt nog. Zwak QSB maar goed te nemen OZ7IGY 70.021MHz...

80m a good evening finally 137kHz activity good

Heavy ice rain this morning. The wire's became 10x thicker and very heavy. But no damage. Tonight I was received well by JA's.  Normally  only decoding DK4XI near LX Something must be improved this evening.  Heard ZL3NB good at 3505 but no ZL's on 160 this sunset.   2012-12-22 17:54   VK7DIK   3.594158   -19   0   QE28sf   5   PA0O   JO33hg   16731   307   2012-12-22 21:54   PA0O   3.594033   -28   0   JO33hg   5   JF3MKC   PM74xm   9101   40   2012-12-22 22:16   PA0O   3.594033   -23   0   JO33hg   5   JF3MKC   PM74xm   9101   40   2012-12-22 21:52   PA0O   3.594033   -27   -1  ...

499.500 kHz screen

 2012-12-22 03:24   WE6XGR   0.499500   -13   0   FN12   50   PA0O   JO33hg   5988   47   2012-12-22 03:26   WE6XGR   0.499500   -14   0   FN12   50   PA0O   JO33hg   5988   47  Saturday morning  the strongest decodes this season -13 few times  but previous seasons it has been to -2dB in better times     After Five Years of Ham Radio Contest News, Going QRT


At sunset/sr  about 1730 -1800 I was home and listening 1831.5 for ZL3IX but nothing today  only 4L7CW heard cq Moved to 3500 C W     luxury situation  3 ZL's in CW !  3501 ZL2IFB  419 519 3505 ZL 1BYZ   new for 80m 3508 ZL3NB  539    Last night after a slow start . A fter 22:00   no transatlant ic decodes at all. Fist decode 01:14 last 06:58  93 decodes  in the end . The "strongest " decodes so fa r this year .  Best time  05:10- 05:30  -15dB  "Booming" ;-) 2012-12-18 05:16   WE6XGR   0.499500   -15   0   FN12   50   PA0O   JO33hg   5988   47 That happen s to be the strongest decode in EU  but  the DL SWR  in JO52 was not monitoring last night . He or She?  ha d amazing reception last week. The main WSPR database  can only searched back ...


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