total Q 273 including 20 and 15 some 40 80 1 W on 160m
28MHz super propagation KL7 KH7 via longpath, AH0 ZL VK
etc etc
WAZ 28MHz completed Sunday afternoon with zone 2 VE2IM
KL7RA zone1 giant pileup hard to break, good signal 59 over the pole. Some other KL7 heard and again KH7 long path S9 QTF 160
Could complete zone 1 2 19 40 39 5R8A 38 V51A Sunday
WAZ 21Mhz and 14MHz could also been possible in this weekend but 28MHz kept me busy enough already.
Some 80m W big guns could be worked with Lowpower Sunday evening late. W3LPL KC1XX W2PV zone 5 was the only worked on 6 bands.
My setup K3 ACOM1000 3ele Steppir seems to be marginal in the CQWWSSB world where every extra kW does help.
Calling CQ did not rase pileups. The bands overloaded with contesters gave an extreme qrm level.
Some S9 copied stations just kept on calling cq as if I was using the wrong sideband??
I was not build for Phone.