First easy to work
20110701 2005 50086,6 CW PA0O 559 PJ2BVU 559
20110701 2011 50097,0 CW PA0O 599 PJ2/DJ9ON 599
2 hours later
20110701 2253 50100,0 CW PA0O 599 PV8ADI 599 fj92
20110701 2300 50110,0 USB PA0O 59 PV8ABC 59 Washington fj92
Good signals from Brazil long after midnight!
Only FJ92 heard 2 QSO
Later also in RTTY PV8ABC 50.140
Hard to work big piles but still cq they could not hear much
in RTTY full power no response.
audio recording
20110701 2005 50086,6 CW PA0O 559 PJ2BVU 559
20110701 2011 50097,0 CW PA0O 599 PJ2/DJ9ON 599
2 hours later
20110701 2253 50100,0 CW PA0O 599 PV8ADI 599 fj92
20110701 2300 50110,0 USB PA0O 59 PV8ABC 59 Washington fj92
Good signals from Brazil long after midnight!
Only FJ92 heard 2 QSO
Later also in RTTY PV8ABC 50.140
Hard to work big piles but still cq they could not hear much
in RTTY full power no response.
audio recording
congrats nice new ones.
hoorde donderdag avond ook al de pv8abc in rtty op.80
goed tip van je hoe je de mp3 file hier plaatst..
zat er ook me hoe te plaatsen..
ging even mis gistern kan je niet dedoderen in cw de ontvanger gaat aantal seconden dicht ,,bij boven de s9 +60 hi,,,
eigenscahp ft950 dsp..
zitten te dicht bij elkaar,,hi..
73 jan pe2jm