My Notepad W7 DELL420 clock was slowly drifting out of sync second by second and WSPR 50MHz did not decode anymore.
I use Symmtime, this program reported to synchronise the PC clock to the selected timeserver at the given interval 15minutes. But I was running 6 seconds behind. forcing synchronise did not chance the PC clock.
I had windows internet time unchecked because Symmtime or Dimension 4 would take over that job?? Both did not!
Dimension 4 did even report the how much the PC clock was adjusted + or - seconds nice. But In real nothing was adjusted.
Must have something to do with access right again.
I did install not in the restricted programs directory but in my own
C:\ham\ and as administrator did not seem to cure it.
I did re-check Windows: synchronise with an internet time server again. Clicked sync now and instantly the PC clock was adjusted.
Then I modified the default time update interval of the Windows clock to 1000sec (decimal) and removed the SymmTime and Dimension4.
To de-install Symmtime first rightclick the Symmtime Icon on the taskbar right bottom screen select exit.
Then the programm can be un-installed over the Config Programs
I like Symmtime for XP it is fine but not for W7 it seems.
here is the link that tells you how to do that.
In XP I have no problem Symmtime keeps the clock sychronised.
I use Symmtime, this program reported to synchronise the PC clock to the selected timeserver at the given interval 15minutes. But I was running 6 seconds behind. forcing synchronise did not chance the PC clock.
I had windows internet time unchecked because Symmtime or Dimension 4 would take over that job?? Both did not!
Dimension 4 did even report the how much the PC clock was adjusted + or - seconds nice. But In real nothing was adjusted.
Must have something to do with access right again.
I did install not in the restricted programs directory but in my own
C:\ham\ and as administrator did not seem to cure it.
I did re-check Windows: synchronise with an internet time server again. Clicked sync now and instantly the PC clock was adjusted.
Then I modified the default time update interval of the Windows clock to 1000sec (decimal) and removed the SymmTime and Dimension4.
To de-install Symmtime first rightclick the Symmtime Icon on the taskbar right bottom screen select exit.
Then the programm can be un-installed over the Config Programs
I like Symmtime for XP it is fine but not for W7 it seems.
here is the link that tells you how to do that.
In XP I have no problem Symmtime keeps the clock sychronised.
Windows time server was compleet verdwenen, bestaat gewoon niet meer. Zelfs niet in de systm32 dir. Heb het opgelost met Nettime. ls het maar werkt....73, Bas