T32C very nice website
And what a giant set up
A good copy 539 /559 over the north pole.
jammed crazy but the jammer let a short break..
Lot of QRI almost impossible to get a clear copy.
This recording was the better copy after QSO.
T32C 7.002 16-10-2011 7:12 Qso
real sick ex-ham?
Later in evening could fill in 12 and 15m
I did not hear them at 80 -160 this weekend .
They report only 1 160 QSO with PA
With Kees PE5T a real top performance! So it can be done I have to be there around 05 UTC in the morning and hoping for a good greyline and not to bad QRI..
10m RTTY JARTS was very good although I think the Saturday was even better. Loads of JA's not much else 1 VK3 worked VK6 heard with good signal no VK spots seen. I expected some more since WSPR showed many VK including decodes by VK7AB and VK2FLR just after sunrise.