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Showing posts from December, 2010

The Samsung OMNIA "smartphone"

This phone is the absolute top in user unfriendliness It abuses you with  its prototype software It will rarely connect to any WLAN access point. After entering the whole connection data it tells you it fails and you can try it again if you want.... nooooooooo! Using blue-tooth it is possible to get your pictures out but it is a quest to do it. The display is a billboard  everything is clear except that what you need  to see. It can not be used ( in daylight)  or never... One positive thing is that it can run I-GO.  Running I-go will always need an external power supply. Technically it has all the hardware to be a good smart phone  but   smart software is needed.. Luckily   i did not buy the OMNIA  just got it for use. Today I got the HTC Desire It was not possible to synchronise the phone data to Outlook since it just will not connect. Even a copy of  2  new ...

calculating the DX-index for JO33hg using WSPR data

In an attempt to make more use of  the WSPR propagation data. I  try to calculate a  "DX Index"  the  DXI  for JO33HG  A simple calculation to start with: I take 100 WSPR spots of the last 12 hour period. Ordered by DX ascending.      calculated for my location. Unique calls checked    excluding repeating  spots Unique calls check can not be used with multyband. The number count of DX >5000km  is the "DXI"   for  my location: 26 December  morning  the DXI was 40       for bands 500/160/80 26 December  evening        DXI was 54       including 10/15/20/40 27 December  morning 06UTC    the DXI has dropped to  10! It is a start and gives some indication. But it can use improvement by ...

One night WSPR 600 160 & 80 unique Calls >5000km

2010-12-24 23:02 KB5NJD 3.594132 -23 0 EM12np 10 PA0O JO33hg 7967 38 2010-12-25 00:56 PA0O 3.594172 -26 0 JO33hg 5 KB5NJD EM12np 7967 300 2010-12-25 07:38 W5JZ 3.594100 -23 0 EM12mt 0.1 PA0O JO33hg 7957 38 2010-12-25 06:22 PA0O 3.594167 -26 0 JO33hg 5 KE7A EM12kx 7952 301 2010-12-25 06:22 PA0O 3.594170 -28 0 JO33hg 5 W5OLF DM78hb 7948 310 2010-12-24 23:58 N4PJX 3.594038 -19 0 EM66gn 5 PA0O JO33hg 7082 42 2010-12-24 23:54 PA0O 3.594169 -28 0 JO33hg 5 N4PJX EM66gn 7082 297 2010-12-25 03:22 WF7T 3.594051 -24 0 EM66pe 1 PA0O JO33hg 7068 42 2010-12-25 01:56 PA0O 3.594166 -27 0 JO33hg 5 WF7T EM66 7064 296 2010-12-24 23:54 PA0O 3.594166 -17 0 JO33hg 5 AE0P EN13 7041 308 2010-12-25 03:22 AA0N 3.594081 -15 0 EN42fa 5 PA0O JO33hg 6866 42 2010-12-24 23:06 K9AN 3.594178 -21 0 EN50wc 5 PA0O JO33hg 6829 43 2010-12-24 23:42 PA0O 3.594168 -19 0 JO33hg 5 K9AN EN50wc 6829 300 2010-12-24 23:42 PA0O 3.594171 -15 0 JO33hg 5 W9SKP FM18gq 6304 292 2010-12-25 02:44 W9SKP 3.594096 -7 0 FM18gq 5 ...

DELL OPTIPLEX as radio PC and Eminent w-lan router

Purchased an Dell Optiplex GX620  P4 3.2GHz HT  75GB HD  small quiet PC  occasion for 99ā‚¬. Has the trusty XP  OS  so i hope to got rid of the communication hangers with the USB-serial i have with W7pro 64b  and N1MM  Also i wanted to have a WSPR N1MM dedicated PC in the shack. This one is RF(almost) and audio-wise quiet and has low power consumption for 24x7x365 purpose. I gave up W7pro-64 with N1MM and USB-serial converter it is not stable i have to reset the interface too often it is meshing up my logging and it is a nerving me.. Until now no hangups it is quiet almost forgot it is running on the desktop. In the same shop i purchased an Eminent Em4570 router  to replace the  RF  noisy Linksys WRT54G with its build in 2 step-down very noisy switchers i could not silence the RFI in 14-30 MHz band. This Eminent seems to be of higher quality  it has ...

Screen filled with WD2XSH/17 500kHz decodes

One night the screen was filled with  close to 40 decodes of WD2XSH/17. Best signal decoded -9dB  Until now WD2XSH/17 is the only USA experimental 500kHz station i have decoded.  In January there was good copy of the VX9MRC   cw beacon from Wireless Hill the historical radio location . This season the band conditions have not come close to that and we are top of season now... But I can decode WD2SXH/17  every night  at least a few times. Sometimes only a faint trace without decoding i seem to have lost the capability to decode <28db on him. Now our experimental 500kHz year is comming to end  and we will have to stop transmitting 31 december 23:59.. I was copied once by WD2XSH/17  with my 0.5W ERP approximately. That could have been better if i had a good tuning unit outside at the antenna base  or inside by feeding the wire dir...

WD2XSH/17 WSPR screen

WD2SXH/17 40 decodes in one night sofar with the K9AY

K9AY   10mAlu pole fiber top I wanted to know  if the  K9AY loop would  receive on 500kHz It really performed beyond expectation. As soon as I was tuned on the correct USA WSPR dial Freq USB 499.600 kHz   I started to receive  WD2XSH/17  21 decodes  until early morning  almost 08 local 2010-12-15 23:44 WD2XSH/17 0.503890 -18 -1 FN42pb 1 PA0O JO33hg 5630 49 last decode  2010-12-16 06:42 WD2XSH/17 0.501090 -26 0 FN42pb 1 PA0O JO33hg 5630 49 -18  to -28 SNR the internal  with both relays activated

lowband receive antenna K9AY loops

Last Top-band season was extreme good with dx-peditions to the Pacific being worked on top-band.  That is my (our N-EU) ultimate DX area of course.     Then I had my Beverage out to N-E  and  was spoiled by receiving loud and clear JA 's  JD1 FK8CP  and more.  It was fun be able to hear as good as the well known top-band specialists while before  I  was only able to pick up the stronger signals from JA  now i heard them all.  Even sometimes hearing JA's return without being heard by the running station... A Beverage is a very simple antenna but needs space  and I have to wait until all sheep's are converted into Kebab  ...  So I had to do something like a loop antenna. The K9AY loop antenna relay-box it seems to work there is a strong directional effect. The antenna is connected with 120m coax6  100m from the T...


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