Today Friday 13 ...I went to PC shops hoping to find an FTDI based USB -serial.
It was again a beautiful summer day I was on my racing bike in Groningen where we have a number of PC / Electronic shops like Saturn Mediamarkt and more. I could only get a Sweex USB-serial but that one is using also Prolific chips and drivers I saw to late when i was home again no use to try that one it has the same drivers. There was a big crowd around the canal harbour where the brand new special "Eco"Sailing ship ECOLUTION was lauched. A project of Prof Wubbo Ockels . Our own Groninger Space Shuttle astronaut (1985 Oktober) brain of many innovative projects.
This morning I tested real on 50MHz after 2 logging's suddenly the frequency ruler jumped into red and the input field was cleared again while I was trying to log a DL QSO .... very sorry but the problem still exists ... So back to old W2000 PC then... pity.
FTDI chips/drivers do not seem to have this problem
I have to get an UC232 10r or other comparable type.
but FTDI recalls another issue for me....
WINKEY WK2-USB uses a FT232 chip but had a bad 20m QRM burst issue with WINKEY once...
Every time N1MM starts communication with WINKEY-USB a 5seconds lasting S9! noise burst is generated. Could bring this noise down to S1 with extra grounding of the USB cable direct to the K3 ground terminal.
I have not used WINKEY since also because of the disappointing performance. I use the K3 excellent internal Keyer. Maybe problems are solved in the mean time but i doubt nobody seems to complain about it although that noise is a real reproducible problem. I made a video clip about it..
interesting site
Maybe the problem is solved with the latest driver for Prolific USB-serial
this version is dated 15-7-2010 only 1 week old I am testing it now and so far it seems to be stable.
On Yahoo -N1MM Tom was reporting that this Prolific chip/driver has a communication err 8020 issue with MScom32.ocx That fits to the error behaviour I experienced like communication was buffered delayed and mixed up. Although I did not got the 8020 run time error here
It was again a beautiful summer day I was on my racing bike in Groningen where we have a number of PC / Electronic shops like Saturn Mediamarkt and more. I could only get a Sweex USB-serial but that one is using also Prolific chips and drivers I saw to late when i was home again no use to try that one it has the same drivers. There was a big crowd around the canal harbour where the brand new special "Eco"Sailing ship ECOLUTION was lauched. A project of Prof Wubbo Ockels . Our own Groninger Space Shuttle astronaut (1985 Oktober) brain of many innovative projects.
Okay back to my subject..
This morning I tested real on 50MHz after 2 logging's suddenly the frequency ruler jumped into red and the input field was cleared again while I was trying to log a DL QSO .... very sorry but the problem still exists ... So back to old W2000 PC then... pity.
FTDI chips/drivers do not seem to have this problem
I have to get an UC232 10r or other comparable type.
but FTDI recalls another issue for me....
WINKEY WK2-USB uses a FT232 chip but had a bad 20m QRM burst issue with WINKEY once...
Every time N1MM starts communication with WINKEY-USB a 5seconds lasting S9! noise burst is generated. Could bring this noise down to S1 with extra grounding of the USB cable direct to the K3 ground terminal.
I have not used WINKEY since also because of the disappointing performance. I use the K3 excellent internal Keyer. Maybe problems are solved in the mean time but i doubt nobody seems to complain about it although that noise is a real reproducible problem. I made a video clip about it..
interesting site
Maybe the problem is solved with the latest driver for Prolific USB-serial
this version is dated 15-7-2010 only 1 week old I am testing it now and so far it seems to be stable.
On Yahoo -N1MM Tom was reporting that this Prolific chip/driver has a communication err 8020 issue with MScom32.ocx That fits to the error behaviour I experienced like communication was buffered delayed and mixed up. Although I did not got the 8020 run time error here