I say that because anything can happen any day , almost the same time last year our cat was killed here nearby. That was "only"a cat. Drivers like to step on the gas on small country roads like here taking a shortcut. Extreme bright night clouds, one of the highlights literally, this year Power SDR f.b. by Darrin KE9NS thanks for all your advice and help a feature rich program, works very fine now with the Flex1500 WSPR rx running 24*7 474.2 kHz 136kHz and rx/tx 28.124 MHz next goal is to automate switching external bandpass for rx and tx using the XVTR 0-dbm rx/tx ports 2nd mast up aluminium 225kg total , winch 45kg ,antenna 19kg rotator G-2800DXC 7kg tube 7kg just fits in the top section with minor adaptions My Steppir finally up. All together setting up this mast was a challenge not a turn key project what i thought it to be but a ...
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