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Showing posts from May, 2018

Andorra 1977 PI4GN / PA0GN 40 year ago

2018   i still have QSL cards available HF PA0GIN sk.                                                             that is me in the VW fan  we had the VHF and 70cm                                                  the old keyer used for MS was very difficult to program i remember only  after some training one could manage to forfill the exact timing to input a message in the memory..                                               OSKAR  Satellite operation 

WSPR propagation report speaks for it selfs.

12 hours WSPR all bands  160 80 60 10 6 > 2000km  most activity is shifted to FT8  a guess 50 spots: Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2018-05-24 03:28   N8AYY   3.594053   -24   0   EN72wd   5   PA0O   JO33hg   6434   45   2018-05-24 01:36   N8AYY   3.594053   -25   0   EN72wd   5   PA0O   JO33hg   6434   45   2018-05-24 00:58   AA3GZ   1.838157   -24   0   FN20kh   100   PA0O   JO33hg   6035   47   2018-05-23 23:52   PA0O   3.594066   -14   0   JO33hg   1   EA8BFK   IL38bo   3213   220   2018-0...

DAC 23cm good tropo

This evening  15 May DAC 23cm strong tropo signals over sea and  strong radar good UHF propagation in coastal areas     the original  quality of bitmap  is lost as soon it is copied to this page    does not matter  bitmap jpg gif png format  FT8 rules on shortwave  50MHz   and  70MHz 144 MHz but on UHF SHF time stud still  paper logging and no LOTW..     

This morning 6m FT8 BA0AAI NN33 -14 hrd 10m WSPR

073615 -14 50.313  CQ  BD0AAI NN33 China  copied on the 2 ele 6m   3 band VHF  antenna now i a 7ele 6m  No China or other DX heard but a lot of single hop EU  best dx EA8 5B4 .. 28MHz 32 spots: Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2018-05-11 07:22   PA0O   28.126065   -8   0   JO33hg   20   VK8AW   PH57lo   13354   69   2018-05-11 07:26   VK8AW   28.125999   -8   0   PH57lo   20   PA0O   JO33hg   13354   325   2018-05-11 07:18   VK8AW   28.125998   -14   0   PH57lo   20   PA0O   JO33hg   13354   325   2018-05-11 07:22   PA0O   28.126047   -22  ...

WSPR last 12 hours & FT8 4m band ??

 2018-05-10 02:30   PA0O   5.366165   -24   0   JO33hg   20   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-05-09 23:54   PA0O   5.366164   -20   0   JO33hg   20   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-05-09 23:34   PA0O   5.366166   -22   0   JO33hg   20   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-05-09 23:14   PA0O   1.838063   -20   0   JO33hg   20   DP0GVN   IB59uh   13835   186   2018-05-10 06:56   VK8AW   28.126002   -24   0   PH57lo   20   PA0O   JO33hg   13354...

50MHz FT8 today 8 May 5/6 May UHF SHF at PI4GN JO33hg

Above the FT8 50MHz MAP of today 8 May  the FT8 50.313 is buzzing every day May contest at PI4GN 70cm 23cm 13cm 9cm 6cm 3cm 1.5cm I was guest operator at 70cm this time propagation was good  North Sea tropo ducts nice DX workable at 432MHz ODX OM3KII JN88UU  916km and 23cm OK2Z? 900km   2 x OE   OE5A and another I do not have the log here believe the other was OE3C heard LB2SHF 10.368870 GHz


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