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Showing posts from February, 2013


Hersenloze pileups highspeed ADHD  CW 18.080 MHz   they seem to have  random QSX 1-5 kc up Hard for me to imagine that weaker signals will be detected in the big pile this way. Then  decided  to stop calling in the cloud. Op deze manier is het zinloos met zwakkere signalen  mee  te gaan roepen.  H44KW  heeft het vanavond nog wel kort op 3502kHz geprobeerd  het is hun laatste dag op de SalomonsIslands. Maar ik las dat de KA500 PA's het lieten afweten op 80 / 160  ik heb niets meer gehoord sinds die ene 1e ?keer aan het begin van de dxpeditie  op 30m waren ze zeer sterk weer. Ook is het onderste deel van 80m  3500-3506 gestoord met digital noise. Helaas gaan de meeste DX stations daar nu juist zitten ik begrijp niet waarom het altijd helemaal onder in de band moet zijn. Iets hoger 3520-3540 is een stuk schoner. dan WSPR  vanavond weer SS/SR  het seizoen veranderd het ruis niveau in VK7 neemt toe ...

XV2TT 160m tonight heard them good this evening deep QSB  much  easier here then  28MHz in the " Arctic zone JO33hg" The radio difference  between living in JO33 and Italy or JNxx is that here we can work XT2TT  28M Hz if very patience and willing to spend some hours running high ERP  while in Ital y XT2TT is already  50MHz worked.    

Grote zonnevlek gevormd


Veel radio activiteit in januarie  vanaf FIJI 3D2RX   3D2NB 3D2RO Maar het is uitkijken  bij het ophangen van een Beverage op Fiji! Watch out when rolling out your Beverage at FIJI. You may never return!

H44KW V63ZM the (allmost) unworkables

H44KW 10114kHz CW this evening again working EU  weaker but just after EA8AK? (QSO B4 )  I called at his QSX  and this time he came back woow  my first QSO with the Solomon Isl. was a fact 3D2RX  7011.3  worked being  the 3rd  40m 3D2 this month To say it in one phrase: DX hunting can be a frustrating thing.   Some DXCC  seem  unworkable no matter how loud they are.    V63ZM 80cw  and   H44KW 10106 cw   real loud. Must have huge pile yes but it was spread out and it did not seem that busy to me. But never a chance  only special ear for G  heard  no ears for other W-EU ?  deja vue  V63ZM  heavy QRN ? My ERP is too low?   in the ARRL 1 call 100W to a not very strong big gun was enough it can not be that Now I was calling with  PA . What more do I need  to be able to work V63ZM and H44KW? Easier to work the  Fiji islands or ZL ...

S57A 474 kHz V63ZM 80 cw

Most activity was in WSPR  but some CW QSO have been made using the FLEX1500 at 474.200kHz I need to make a X-verter  for this band anyway since the Flex is having some spurious  6.5kHz +/- Pity it looked an easy way to be on this 630m. I received this nice card.  I have been long time in Slovenia near Ormoz Ljutomer Ptuj  Jeruzalem I know the area a bit good memories.   Yesterday I was attending 80/160 Sunset here  Heard V63ZM  starting CQ at 3507    real nice signal  peaking 579 Despite I called right from the start when the cluster spots did not yet reached the 80m QRI folks to initiate the ZOO. He worked almost exclusively OK UA I  few    DL's  ( close to OK I guess)   I tried  all the tactics,  calling at QSX  just after a QSO  ( not on top as the usuals do...)  called little above  or below QSX or in a clean QSX freq .  But sometimes it feels like ...


Mostly S&P    running low power  & dipole The 7 call district was the touch one here with auroral flutter. Only the big guns came through. Idaho and Wyoming  not heard  Nevada heard only. But even the 1,2,3,4,5 call district have rare ones Like Maine  ME  DC MS Besides the good signals and operators from Stateside.  Checking off all states in the map that was always my attraction for the ARRL contest. 49 USA States + 14 VE Provinces   including the 5 never heard NWT LB MB YT NU  and rare AB behind the AURORA shield that we have to deal with more than S/SE EU   KH6 is DX 63 multy's  x 6 bands is the maximum. Propagation was not super  but good enough.  10m was open more on Sunday  even to  CA. I did not have a beam up that would have been nice  but a small physical problem held me down. When running CQ with beam a more comfortable signal could attrack the missin...

Spring is in the air / keep heads down for DA14 tonight

Why should I ?                                          this blog contains  Dunglish new one  ZK3T  7004 CW  fb one man operation ZK3T – Tokelau Heard yesterday strong at 14007 kHz  CW  but dinner was ready... and heard at 80m CW   that is  I heard  539 clearly cqcqc Zk3T  up  at 3502 That does not necessary mean it was real since 80M is populated by some of the worse QRI types but his signal if it was a slim it was well done it sounded real not to strong It took a wile to have clear copy at 3502  because at least 5 calling on top or very near having extreme keyclicks. I am a bad DX'r  since my timing is often wrong  also this time this time I was too late to switch the PA and antenna when I was ready to call he was QRT. That happens normally only with real DX.... Propagati...

PACC 2013 en PACC2012

  PACC result 2013 PACC result  2012 Tot mijn verassing is de score hoger dan vorig jaar, ondanks dat ik nu geen beam heb gebruikt Of is het dankzij? QSO 1000 pas 6:30UTC in 2012    dit jaar QSO 1000 milestone  2:30 De multiplier zal wel lager worden UA7 dat zijn al 4 die tenonrechte zijn geclaimed Inmiddels ben ik weer terug naar N1MM 12.11.1   versie 13.02.00  heeft een bandschakel hikje. PACC - 2013-02-09 1200Z to 2013-02-10 1200Z - 1487 QSOs PA0O - Off Times >= 30 Minutes 2013-02-09 18:17Z - 2013-02-09 18:54Z     00:38  (38 mins)     dinner 2013-02-09 23:46Z - 2013-02-10 01:02Z     01:17  (77 mins)     watching a touch of Frost 2013-02-10 04:43Z - 2013-02-10 07:07Z     02:25  (145 mins)   resting 2013-02-10 11:59Z - 2013-02-10 11:59Z     00:00  ( mins) ...

5X8C 160M strong signal 599 real another  3D2NO worked at 40m Friday H e a rd ZL3IX at 1831.5 SS peak ing 529  for the first ti me again since December.     2 x decoded VK7DIK  also since long time at 80m WSPR  

The digital ramadan is over!

2 weekends   8 day's  no internet it was not easy.. a sort of digital ramadan.  I am very depending to the internet that was made clear. Finally today after 8 days the telephone over i-net rings.  Yes they managed to reconnect me. I could not really understand the man's Dutch it sounded as he was calling from Bangladesh. pheeww.  Something went wrong in "changing the cards"  in the switch box.  I am reconnected with ADSL  VDSL  could not make it. The cable to the nearest ring-station is 4km. I knew that already for over 5 days but yes this KPN is working like the government. KPN stands for Koninklijke PTT Nederland.   Royal Post Telephone Telegraph Netherland. Only thing left is the royalties they take. And the speed of internet is close to the telegraph.  Next time I will think twice  before requesting a simple speed change.. Speed test showed about 1MB download  800kb/s  and 80kB upload. Not f...


Contest ing without internet, hard to get used to that again. I became much depending on the ease of having the cluster spots and all other support of  internet. The band map is empty you have to search your self. Stro n g signals and interesting DX in the FOC contest . Do FOC  member s ever work low power ?  10m was good open to W and Caribbean . But not much BSCI activity on 10m. Reasonable propagation good strong W's on 80M FOC  contest is a bit a strange thing. Excellent operators excellent signals mostly Anglo Saxon HAM's It is a bit out of line with the HAM idea . A n exclusive elite group using the HAM bands for a member only contest. But it is good to hear that good operators are still plenty. 378 Q  80/40/20/15/10 Preparing   a beam for 15/10  a 4 ele light construction. but in this type of weather I will be on dipoles only in our PACC contest  next weekend. I hope ...

OZ7IGY New generation of radio beacons

yesterday  checked OZ7IGY  at 70.021   Almost 100% copy of this 4M beacon  in my QTH. The frequency is now locked to GPS.  Thus the frequency accuracy is better than 5 mHz. and there is a JT65C2   ID  together with the CW ID Interesting to read about the argumentation for choosing JT65C2. I would personal like moving this beacon into the  WSPR window at 70.925MHz  but I agree with argumentation for choosing JT65C2.  It decodes quick. I tune DIAL USB 70.020 1kHz below to have good decode. also worked OH8MGK KP23pq  in meteor scatter  many reflections Still no internet connection  our former State telephone company is  degenerated to  an EEC  controlled bureaucratic organisation it's goal is to frustrate it's customers maximal. It is just a matter of simply re-plug my line back to adsl  in the central switch box. But  they say OPTA rules make ...


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