Very busy CW band during the Marconi CW with this time excellent propagation.
My setup was new The Flex6500 plus the Ukraine UR3LMZ as in my previous post.
That worked very nice used the Maestro as control. Doing only S&P no CQ runs, wtKST was on so I was open for skeds. I did cherry picking and there where lots of cherry's on..
My tx signal was clear I could come very close to competitors without IMD or reciprocal noise.
So the Ukraine transverter is excellent as long as its internal l.o. is not used.
And the Flex has very low internal noise. I use an old SSB LNA close to the 12 ele dual band Antenna & Amplifiers.
Some stations with good Q5 signals could not hear my 400W f.i. HG1xx called him many times fruitless .. Are some hams running 2kW+? Or is it the high noise level on the other side?
The Flex Maestro has a bright good PAN view the paddle has to be connected to the Maestro to have a side tone N1MM was online but CW sending with the internal keyer of N1MM what I prefer does not feature a side tone! sorry enough, no one seems to know why Flexradio does not address this?
When the keyer and headphone are connected to the main Flex6500 using Smart SDR as control all is working very smooth. Keying is full break in, I hear direct if someone breaks in with ACOM1000 PA keying over the Maestro as I did now is QSK if needed.
It is not possible to send CW in USB mode as with the K3 , the flex should be more flexible... Seamless TX CW in Phone mode is useful specially in weak QSB signal situations on VHF UHF. Why disable keying in USB mode Flex radio?
That is a big difference between Flexradio and Elecraft a cw operating issue like this with missing side tone could not exist at Elecraft Radio's CW mode is flawless in the K3 and if there was a complaint of this kind it would be a top priority at Elecraft the Flex6500 is not bad at all but Flexradio has different priorities.