H44KW 10114kHz CW this evening again working EU weaker but just after EA8AK? (QSO B4 ) I called at his QSX and this time he came back woow my first QSO with the Solomon Isl. was a fact 3D2RX 7011.3 worked being the 3rd 40m 3D2 this month To say it in one phrase: DX hunting can be a frustrating thing. Some DXCC seem unworkable no matter how loud they are. V63ZM 80cw and H44KW 10106 cw real loud. Must have huge pile yes but it was spread out and it did not seem that busy to me. But never a chance only special ear for G heard no ears for other W-EU ? deja vue V63ZM heavy QRN ? My ERP is too low? in the ARRL 1 call 100W to a not very strong big gun was enough it can not be that Now I was calling with PA . What more do I need to be able to work V63ZM and H44KW? Easier to work the Fiji islands or ZL ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E