Even with SF=73 and minimal band conditions compared to previous years where all of USA was workable it was again an interesting event including nightly antenna work. And still interesting DX like 3B9HA and others 4ele 10 and15m put up for this occasion. Sunday morning i could see the result in daylight. Started with low power and dipole S&P Saturday Decided to change from dipole to 4 el that kept me busy Saturday afternoon till after dark No good timing since Saturday afternoon and evening held the better part of propagation. But it was still dry no wind and I thought the cold i had was cured... New is a solar panel PV-C 20dB noise in North direction from west to east. The last year new PV converter of my neighbor does generate noise from 1 to at least 70MHz broad noise and digi spurious each 200kHz to 9+20 at 14MHz I have done some noise tracing and found ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E