this afternoon 70.190MHz EA8DBM 59+ and EA8TX 70.154 could be worked that is the edge of our 4m Map the best DX possible since A92IO has returned to EI Al day 6m had inband TV carriers but no dx except again WSPR decodes by 4X1RF Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az 2015-06-03 11:58 PA0O 50.294475 -21 0 JO33hg 1 4X1RF KM72ls 3201 124 2015-06-03 11:46 PA0O 50.294475 +3 0 JO33hg 1 4X1RF KM72ls 3201 124 2015-06-03 10:58 PA0O 50.294473 -24 0 JO33hg 1 ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E