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Showing posts from June 6, 2015

WSJT-X v1.6.0

Friday 30C+  after weeks 13C  now, to much heat. Until 20hour local we sat outside very warm, no wind but the thunder strorm front was approaching. Then sudden a gale force wind  we had to rush inside. All antennas disconnected power switched of One cable of the top antenna was sparking a lot behind the desk Without direct lightning and still dry the sky was loaded with electricity. But we where lucky no damage. A new software from K1JT / team ! Supports JT9 JT65 WSPR-2 and -15  a wider graph that shows signals  outside the 200Hz window. WSPR mode with faster decoding.  This version lets you select bands per 24 hour to use sunset sunrise grey line period span day and night  very useful feature Another step in automation.. Above 10m bandhopping does not work. So 6 and 4m has to be selected manuel. The CAT communication is polling continue not like v2.21 only at change of operation. After starting WSJT-x  monitoring start immedia...


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