First GM to 4X one way for me the 2nd time decoded by 4X1RF To be correct I was running 40W on 4M WSPR does not feature to set the power per band. What a good VHF propagation tool is this WSPR ! Needed a good setup, stable and accurate frequency drifting < 5Hz /2minutes and make sure to stay in the 200Hz window. But that should not be a problem with a modern tranceiver. And most hams already have a PC connected to use oher digimodes RTTY BPSK FSK441 JT65 etc so why not running WSPR ? Why re-inventing the wheel by building a classical antique beacon ?? WSPR is the ultimate propagation reporter tool also for VHF that has been proven in VK and EU WG2XPN back on the air Published on 7 February 2015 by Brian WA1ZMS The Experimental License for WG2XPN with one-way only beacon operations on 70.005 MHz with 3 kW ERPd from here in the US (QTH: FM07FM) has been renewed until May 1st of 2017. As suc...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E