Aurora in N-EU 23-8-2016 22:00 50450.8 la7six jp99ec jo33hg 569 22:20 LA9VFA 50160 cqcqc long cq from rare KQ40cv! then QSY QSB and gone again no QSO with KQ main square everytime i hear this rare square once a season or so nver had a qso someone? said qsy 135 qsy immediate after long cq?? and then to the only frequency that is occupied? i could not understand i was heard short by Olav maybe next year a QSO for a new major grid KQ so extreme hard to work for me... at 50135 was LA5MIA JP78xt that was my only QSO this opening to the Arctic area last year heard the ham in KQ was qsying all the time... I could not catch him most time the signals fom JQ KQ arctic area are much stronger and easier to work south of me I am to close ... or to far for QSO on the magic band ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E