4X1RF 4m WSPR for the first time. After many many 6m reports Thanks Chris for starting listening 4m as the only outside EU 4m DX WSPR ham. Much more must be possible 9K Gulf area but not many hams or SWL seems to be interested. SWL WSPR reports are much! appreciated and direct visible in the online map / database. I like to be QRV when at QRL this wspr mode is by far the best beacon mode and! reporter. It is the only tx/rx mode unattended it can be combined with CW ID to be human decodable. Strange that the 4m web site never mentioned the existence of WSPR propagation reporter. The best propagation tool ever is not recognized. In stead using their existing radio in WSPR mode Some 4m hams are planning to build high power beacons. Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az 2015-07-09 07:02 PA0O 70.092539 -20 -1 JO33hg 5 ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E