Recently I connected my old FT102 again.
The rise was a visitor that walked past my house seeing the antenna's interested in radio and had recently obtained an F-licence PA3JK .
I loaned him my FT102 that was switched off 3 years since i have the K3.
It is still working okay after cleaning some relay contacts.
This Transceiver has a very good receiver but it missing the CAT connection it was developed in the 70's .
Since I had to test the FT102 again on 40m I found that it is convenient to have an other TRX
operational. I have separate antenna's and the set is standing at the desk anyway.
I have set N1MM in multiuser Networked-computer mode to be able to log both.
N1MM in multi-user mode gives the possibility to log at more positions.
N1MM is running local on both PC positions. The database is updated on both.
The Laptop for the IC706 / FT102 and the PC for the K3.
Nothing new for multi contest operators but i never tried this.
The N1MM manual is excellent for setting this up.
In fact quite simple
The N1MM version must be the same on both PC's
The network name list must be a copy on both PC's
The window info can be displayed it gives useful information.
Like the example above during the SARTG RTTY
So I learned some new thing about N1MM
I can log by hand on a second logger the database will be updated on both PC's
That also gives an extra backup.
The station 0 is the master connected to the K3
station 1 is the logger on the laptop connected to the IC706 the dot should be green and then the tuning freq isof the IC706 is also displayed
But i changed the name to IC706 since then the green turned to blue meaning the IC706 is not online with N1MM 1
The restriction I have now is that i have to be logged in at the same W-LAN router
and have to use the IP address for both.
The Database seems to be synchronized only for the same contest.
So if a contest is done on the main set only this contest can not be found on the other
Possible it will need some study and other settings to fix that.